Heylo.. welcome to me new journal. Unlike my old one, this will be quasi-friends only... for the most part only my graphics related entries will be public, and generally also my most recent post. You don't have to be a maggot to friend me though, hehe. Just comment here to be added. It's safe... more or less. ^-^
Ok! First journal entry! This baby has been a long time coming, let me tell ya. Before I get started, I think it's only right that in this cherry poppin post I thank
quendra from the bottom of my deeply disturbed and kartoonish heart for helping me figure everything out and having the patience to explain everything to me and whipping me codes into place. If it weren't for her, I prolly woulda had this thing sitting here in the void for another whole year, with nothing to show for it. If ever there were a kickass awesome chica in the world, it's her. Spank you, girl. *huggification*
Now to introduce myself to whoever may come across this... if you know me already, you know I'm a spaz... if not, well you will. Basically I'm a great big dweeb with a great big mouth, who doesn't really have any business keeping a journal such as this... I'm usually strapped for time, with responsibilities splattered all over the place, a conveyor belt of projects and ideas I should be focusing on, a decrepit machine to work with, a short attention span and a krazy severe case of Renaissance syndrome... so yeah, that's why I shouldn't be here.
Now for why I am... well, I hope it will be an outlet of sorts for the insanity within. Sometimes you need a place that just is exactly what you want it to be and doesn't ask anything more of you than what you are willing to give. I suspect it'll mostly be a place to give my fanartish stuff a home... and maybe a drizzling of my poetry and lyrics if I can stomach them... the rest I guarantee will most likely be babbling. So, in conclusion chickadees and broskis (as if anyone is actually reading this, lol) feel free to friend me if you have a strong constitution for random inanity. It's set to friends only because, as freakishly in your face obnoxious as I may seem... I'm really shy and introverted, and the whole voyeuristic thing kinda gives me the willies.
Wow. Zipping it. Do svidanja, peeps!