Another year down.

Oct 26, 2006 19:54


I realise I don't technically turn 26 until tomorrow but as I layed in bed coughing shit up all day it gave me some time to think about it. Every year I like to look back over the past year. Take count of where I was and where I am. What I wanted to accomplish, what I did, and what I didn't.

All in all I'm really happy with things. Got a lot accomplished that I wanted to and have started moving things in the direction I want to go in life. I think at least. The things I wasn't happy with last year I'm still not really happy about this last year, but such is life. With all that has happened in the last year I can't wait to see what happens in the next year. Hopefully some of the things I haven't been happy with but haven't been able to change will. If they don't, meh, there's always next year.

It doesn't get said enough these days so I'd like to say it again. Thanks to all my friends and family for being there. Some of you guys I haven't seen since HS, some I haven't seen since I left Bville, some I saw yesterday. Thank's for being my friends and family.

I'm excited at the possibilities this new year brings for me. I learned a lot about myself this last august when I went to Japan. It really changed my perspective on a lot of things. I really want to see more of the world and while I have the chance. Some day (god willing) I'll have a family and won't be able to travel as much as I can now. Hopefully this coming year will have more of that in it.

Some people pick new years resolutions at the beginning of the calendar year, I think it should be at the beginning of YOUR year though. So here are a few things I think I would like to try and make happen this year.

1) Make it across the pond to Germany.
I was bummed when I turned down the job over there and still really want to go over. See some family and visit the land.

2) Finish my Mustang.
This has been a work in progress for some time now. It's gone through many changes in plans depending on where my life was at the time. It's time to put a sadle on this pony and grab some gear in 'er.

3) Finish my Schooling.
I won't finish it all this year but I can get a damn big chunk of a Associates knocked out. I'm planning on starting a Associates of General Studies Winter semester. I haven't found a bachelors I really want to go for yet. So I figure I can knock out all my core stuff and get a associates. By the time I finish I might have a better idea of what I want to do for a bachelor's degree.

4) More of a social life?
I'm far from a shut in now, but a lot of this stuff I get out and do now don't exactly get me around folks my age. I have lots of friens in the mid 30's now which is great, but I'd really like to do some stuff with folks closer to my age.

5) Keep learning.
I guess I could've looped this in with 3 technically but I'm not refering to strictly scholastic knowledge here. One generation is better than the next because it learns from the other's mistakes and ideas and improves apon them. I guess this sort of ties 1 as well. I've had friends in different countries for years now, but it wasn't until I actually went to Japan that I realized there was still so much to learn.

Hrm, I kind of got a ramble there, sorry bout that. Anywho, Thanks again to all the well wishers and who knows, mebbe I'll get around to see some more of you guys this year :)
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