I'm really bad at this.

Apr 19, 2006 18:06

So I realized the other day that while I look at friends LJ all the time to keep in touch, I rarely update mine. I think rarely might even been too frequent to use. I thought I had posted a lot more recently than uh... last sept. I guess not.

My bro did end up getting the job up here. It's been a blessing and a curse at the same time. I thought it would be really cool to have him up here and be able to see my bro all the time and... and no one reminded me that the last time we were together all the time I was 13 and I've changed a lot since then probably. My mom always says "I've got two boys that are *very* different from one another." I always kinda shrugged when she said that. I didn't really think we were that different at all. The last 6 months has been a definate eye opener. I can safely say at this point, that he's my brother and I will always love him, but he drives me absolutely crazy. I even called my mom and apologized and told her she was right.

Still working on Post. Moved up to #2 guy in the office now. I still enjoy the job. I'm actually liking it more now than I was 3 months ago. Units are getting back from over in the box and so we are getting more traffic again. I'm all for being lazy at the office but it was getting ridiculous for a bit. Some fleeting bits of excitement here and there on the horizon. They are opening a FTI in Germany. I've been nagging the boss for the past 4 months about getting the lead spot there. I've always wanted to go so I figure I'll kill 2 birds with one stone. Should know more by the end of May. They said they'll be filling the spot in 6 months or so. There is also talk of setting up a FTI in Kuwait, that's a year-ish out though. My boss and I both volunteered to be part of the initial team that stands it up.

What else.. ohhh! More on the good news front. I paid of 3 debts this month, 2 cards and taxes from a couple years ago, so that is really cool. It'll be nice to be finally able to start putting all that money away instead of giving it to someone else.

Still living life in the single lane. Can't really say I'm happy about it, but it isn't for trying. This has actually kind of been a point of a lot of trouble for me lately. I shouldn't say trouble. Annoyance would be a better word. Normally things have always been pretty black and white for me. Never had troubles with decisions. Now the decision I've been stuck with lately is as one of my friends put it:"Do you chase your career and the almighty green wherever it might take you, giving up a relationship right now or do you chase tail and a relationship and sit in a holding pattern in your career for a few." That was the summary he asked me when I asked, do I not worry about a relationship for 6 months, or do I get into something, knowing full and well that I will probably be leaving for Germany in 6 months and have to end it. After talking with friends about this I recently decided that I've always tried to do what made me happy and there wasn't any sense in stopping now. So I'd try to find someone. Alas, this is harder than it seems. Apparently I'm not the only person in the world having thoughts about moving shortly. Somedays I wonder if it will ever happen.

Wow.. I didn't expect to put go on for that much.

Gonna be moving in a 2 weeks or so. My buddy that we've been staying with sold his house, so we are moving down the road a few miles with another friend.

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