Pin the tail on the rock

Jan 16, 2006 00:00

I made Alu (aloo?) Gobi tonight. It was hella good even though it was red instead of yellow. No one knew what it was supposed to look like anyway.

I have been doing a lot of reading this weekend. Not enough reading, but lots of reading nevertheless. Reading ethnographies gets me really depressed to be honest. It makes me think about how fucked up the world is, and how little people like me and you do about it. GAH. Sad. I think I have decided to take the job at the EC and stop at the library. I was talking to my parents about it (along with many other people) and they agreed that it is a good opportunity that I shouldnt pass up. I mean, the library is easy and all, but do I really want some easy sit on my ass job? I would rather accomplish something, or gain some sort of skill.

I am going to see Cat Power next month. I have been listening to her a lot this weekend, and I really dig her. I am excited! I havent been to a real concert since like...the summer time. It has been a while. I am going to try and enjoy myself at this one a lot. I kinda stopped having fun at concerts a while ago. I guess its hard to enjoy a show when everyone just fucking stands there and mouths words without moving! Oh, I have been to a concert more recently! It was interpol with Jay. Haha, he got in trouble for moving. That was crazy. Speaking of Jay, Tegan and Sara are playing with Cake next month, and we are thinking about going. Anyone else interested? Anyone with a car? I hate driving, and it is a weeknight, I think.

I am a lot less dependent on the internet now. It is kind of nice. Livejournal is not so much of a friend anymore. I cant really tell it everything I want to. That is all
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