Dallas police Officer gets shafted?

Mar 27, 2009 12:48

Ok, a cop pulls over Ryan Motes, a Houston, Texas running back. Ryan has ran a red light and two stop signs...his reason for this was his mother-in-law was dying in a hospital. Now that said, 4 Police officers died in California in the past week, you have an SUV that has violated the law multiple times. Then they pile out of the SUV and start yelling about their dying mother-in-law. Guess what, too fucking bad you broke the law, and so many people lie to the police all the time to get out of a ticket.

This police officer was doing his job. Also if they were so concerned about her health why weren't they there with her already, granted I don't know the details so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that it was very sudden. Regardless the police officer was doing his job.

To make matters worse he gets put on administrative leave, and his Chief hangs him out to dry in a public announcment. Had that been John Q. Public and not an NFL player I doubt this poor cop would be getting screwed.

So Dallas Police Officer Robert Powell, I support you and think you did your job, and anyone who says you didn't needs to shut the fuck up.

The news report
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