End of Year Meme, 2009

Jan 01, 2010 16:54

End-of-year meme... Take the first sentence from the first day of every month in your journal, and repost for the general overview of 2009:

January: Back from vacation, back at work, back to the grind, and back to the desperate need to please myself and my female ego by re-trying to lose the 10 lbs. I just gained back in the last 3 months... *headdesk*

February: I want to do another LJ project.

March: So... It's a snow day for most of the rest of the town/state/area... and I was at work ON TIME at 8am on the DOT.

April: I just had my first positive reponse from a job.

May: Relaxicon last weekend, followed by Faerie Festival in PA (in the RAIN!) this past weekend... and still all kinds of fun to come this summer... I'm ready!

June: I think... ...we may have found a place to live.

July: I FINALLY got a job.

August: Not much to report... Been moving in and "nesting" since last Wednesday.

September: Hi, LiveJournal!

October: So... I somewhat regretfully bowed out of doing RENT this winter/spring at the Drama League.

November: [This slacker didn't post in the entire month of November...]

December: I know I haven't posted anything "real" in a bit...

It was that kind of year... A lot going on... A Facebook account and a SparkPeople account with which to share my life and blogs... I love LiveJournal best, but things are not the same as they were when I really needed the outlet to vent my feelings and frustrations to the lj every day.

I'll do my best to keep up on the important stuff.

Much love always,

new year, life, livejournal

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