Hey! City? I'm On My Way Back! ;)

Oct 20, 2006 09:21

HALF DAY AT WORK TODAY! My ass is OUTTA here at noon. :)

NYC tonight... Red Lobster in Times Square and Hairspray with the boys for my birthday present from them. :)

I'll try not to get hit by a plane while I'm there. Heh.

I've missed the city. I miss Broadway. I just texted Teresia from Beauty & The Beast yesterday. She has a MySpace, so I hope to be in better touch with her. She was so much fun to work with. :)

Then back to the old apartment witht the boys(maybe I can finally watch the Dane Cook special!!!) and sleep so I can wake up at the ass-crack of dawn and jump on an 8am Greyhound so that I can meet Rich at 10:50am at the Wilmington Travel Plaza and get to Dover in time for the wedding we're supposed to be teaching the Foxtrot at...

THEN back to MY apartment (and calling Becky long before to remind her!) to try to get my hairs up into Magentifying curlers (and praying for at least mediocre results from the last minute attempt at not having flat hairs...

THEN Rocky, and finally SLEEP and a lazy Sunday. *Phew.*

Anyway, that's the weekend overview. I still need to write about the wedding. I swear I will. Sunday will be a good day for that. :)

Love, Stephie

hairspray, hair, work, family, beauty & the beast, weekend, fdo, birthday, broadway, nyc

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