Jun 04, 2006 21:12


OK... So... I owe you all some photos from Memorial Day. There were a LOT from shaving-cream wrestling, thanks to Aimee (although I got sick before I had a coherant chance to take any non-wrestling shots... Boo).
Pre-photos Note: This is my journal, so I'm going to post my own personal highlights. When I move back to Newark, I'll be available and whoever is *really* interested in seeing all the other shots (I tried to stay away from most of the unintelligible covered-in-cream shots), you're welcome to come look and make an "order," and I'll be happy to send them along to you.
Sorry to be such a stick in the mud about it, but if I don't post at least this small group of photos now, I never will. And if I wait to post them til I've had a chance to go through and edit and post them ALL somewhere (my photobucket is just about verging on *full*), they'll just sit there in a folder forever... So enjoy, there *ARE* more to come, if you want them...


(Preparation for the "festivities")

(Fraser & Becky... Ready to jump in and get to it.)

(Becky & Stephanie sliding around together)

(Becky, attempting to kick my ass... Which, she eventually DOES.) ;P

(This is one of Fraser's photos, but to show the chain of events properly, I have to include the photo of when I tackled Fraser while he was calmly relaxing on the tarp next to the "pit."
This was the beginning of the end... Turning the tarp into a giant "Slip & Slide"--SLIP & BRUISE!!!--on the lawn...)

(Steph, Becky, Fraser & Katie, sliding around on the tarp, watching the action--and the cameras.)

(While all the tarp sliding was going on, Joey and boy-I-didn't-actually-officially-MEET, got to fightin'!)

(And PACO arrived!)

(It was a struggle just to STAND, once we gucked up that tarp. LOL!)

(Rich & Maggie before tearing it up in their match!)

(Well, we all look *HAPPY* right? Fun shit, that shaving cream wrestling...) ;)

(My version of the official "Group Shot"!)

(AAAAaaaaaaaand... The post-hug "BOOBIE SHIRT" photo of 2006.
Keith rocked my last year's 4th of July boobs. Soper got my Memorial Day boobs this year.
Boys... Be proud. Wear those boobs, if only in photographic evidence, with pride.
You carry the Stephie Krause "Chest of Approval." lol)
ALSO, I took my camera in to work today to try to catch my fantastically hot feather duster girl in action... I got her, and a pair of "random" photos that all make me smile... So, here are some more photos (remember the "Silly Girls" from a former post of mine?) from "Beauty & The Beast" on Broadway. :)

(HOORAY! It's me & Ms. Meredith! SHE looks adorable. I look so... tired. And. Ugh.) :P

Meredith Inglesby as "Babette" the Feather Duster - Full Length costume shot!

(I'm mad I don't have the bottom of the skirt in this shot, but I was backed into the corner as far as I could go as it was...)
Meredith as "Human Babette" just before the finale.

This is Sarah Litzsinger, our newest "Belle," in a stolen moment just before the song "Beauty & The Beast"
This is *THE* dress... And that's her dresser behind her, because there is SO MUCH DRESS, she has to hold & carry the back around until Belle gets onstage for the number. But I was excited I walked by at this opportune moment. :)

(He laughed himself silly after seeing the camera-preview for this shot.)
He is our favorite trouble-maker. He plays Lefou. He is completely nice and fun and rediculous. Teresia (A fellow dresser) and I went to Toys R Us yesterday and bought him a Spongebob Slip & Slide as a housewarming gift for him to use on his new front lawn (he just recently closed on a house outside the city). Love hangin' with Aldrin. :)
Guess that's all for tonight. It was a LONG, BUSY, (but fun, for the most part!) weekend. I'm exhausted and I'm going to veg out to 'toons for the rest of the night. *Glee!* :D


party, friends, beauty & the beast, fdo, memorial day, photos

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