Title: Whispers
Pairing: JaeMin
Length: One-shot
Rating: G
A/N: Going through old Tumblr posts and forgot I had this here but not here. Inspiration derived from the many photos of JaeMin whispering to themselves in public. <3
During events and award shows, Jaejoong would often feign hard of hearing (even though at home he can always hear the tiny kitchen timer go off two rooms down, while over an epic video game battle), constantly forcing Changmin to lean in closer to get his message across.
The extra exertion needed just to talk to his hyung would annoy Changmin and he would often opt instead to stand in his place and appear respectful.
Overtime though (not much really, a span of a few weeks at most), he began to get antsy and bored. Yunho was out of the option as a conversation partner, he had to play the proper-leadersshi that he was. And YooSu were too far away to start a conversation with without looking suspicious and rude.
A glance over to Jaejoong would always show his hyung happily smiling away. To the world, he appeared as though he were thoroughly engaged in the proceedings. To those close to him (his fellow members), he was clearly off in his own world, counting elephants or planning his next greatest spicy creation. The first time Changmin took notice, he just scoffed at his hyungs lack of concentration and focusing abilities. But he soon started wishing he could become privy to Jaejoong’s inner monologue (anything would be more interesting than this, he’d reason).
The first time Changmin took tentative steps to engage Jaejoong, his hyung seemed more preoccupied than normal. Silently humming to himself. No one else was noticing, only Changmin. And he spent the rest of the time trying to figure out what had him so preoccupied. He noticed that Jaejoong was paying and less attention to his surroundings and would occasionally need some prompting on Min’s part (Changmin, you clearly are the more focused between you and Yoochun, can you make sure Jaejoongie doesn’t zone out completely?). Well, whatever leadersshi wants, right?
He began engaging Jaejoong in conversation. At first, it would be a passing whisper about the stage or the setting, perhaps the weather or the amount of people that showed up. Eventually it started evolving into longer whispered conversations. Back and forth. (Changminnie~ this wasn’t exactly what I was going for when I asked you to keep Jaejoong focused.) Nothing he could do about it now. Changmin was hooked. The softly whispered words passing between the two of them; it was something different for them, but not completely unwanted, something that didn’t require slaps and bruises, much softer and more subtle. Changmin wasn’t giving this up for the world (not that he’d ever admit that fact). The fact that Jaejoong still continues to pretend he can’t hear, pulling Changmin in closer, doesn’t bother him quite as much anymore either.
And if Changmin speaks just that much softer when talking to his hyung, requiring Jaejoong to lean in even closer to hear better…well, they’ll both keep their little secrets between themselves, in the spaces between their whispers.
“Hey hyung? I have a secret to tell you…”
“I know.”