[Fic] like buttered bread, we're inseperable | YooSu AU

Jul 26, 2012 23:38

Title: like buttered bread, we're inseperable
Pairing: YooSu 
Length: Oneshot
Genre: Angst/Romance/AU
Rating: PG-13ish?
A/N: Wrote this in a moment of...melancholy/emo feelings. Which I seem to be getting a lot of...oh dear, and I think I just figured out why. *shrugs* (guess it helps to write things out XD). Anyway~ I really liked the concept of this, ( Read more... )

writing, yoosu, dbsk, fiction

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feyla July 27 2012, 14:17:13 UTC
It's so cute!! And I say that because their water landing will definitely have a happy ending. ;)

I didn't read the AU tag at first and I was wondering why Yoochun of all people would be scared of flying. XDDDD


kratynoi July 28 2012, 09:58:56 UTC
Lol~ I intended it to end sadly but couldn't even bring myself to write it. XD One of these days~~ all out angst I will write!!!

But isn't he though?? I thought I read somewhere that he is afraid of flying, or a big huge anti-fan of it. Considering his fear of heights....?

But thank you anyway~~~~ figured you'd avoid any romance/pairing though considering your ranting spree to me about it ;)


feyla July 30 2012, 06:08:48 UTC
hahahaha ...my ranting. It's not like I'm against shipping! I'm always for Yoosu. I would just like for a few shows in my life to be without all the entanglement of romance or the complete preoccupation with it. Really, Bleach is all about Ichigo beating the world, which he never knows how to do but somehow does anyway. Not him and someone who can only say his name uselessly or the "IchiRuki feels." Oh please people. And I'm just tired of running into porn everywhere. Tumblr should keep it to one tag and not let it interfere with the others. Or something to segregate it so I don't have to see that all the time. If I wanted to look at porn, I would go find that. Sheesh.

Anyways. I ranted a little more. XD. But really, you know I'm always for the boys. I rarely have issues there. XDD Oh and that makes sense with Yoochun. I kind of forgot about that. He's flown enough though that he should get over that. Or maybe he just avoids window seats. ;) XDD


kratynoi July 31 2012, 23:41:01 UTC
LMAO XDDD Okay, I can understand that. And try getting Tumblr Savior. You can blacklist tags so that might help to limit some of those posts from appearing.

^__^v Good~ 'cause the boys are always being shipped somehow in my book. Whether it's brotp or otp or what have you. XDDD

I don't remember where I read it or watched it. It was a while back. But yeah, he's probably just not sitting in window seats...which, uknow, I love sitting in for shorter flights so it's perfect~! hardyharhari'msofunny&delusional
Speaking of which, I had a window seat this flight and I was sitting next to a top hat.

The guy that sat in the aisle seat had a top hat on him....I wanted to comment but I ended up...chickening out and not saying anything. But I was thoroughly amused.


feyla August 1 2012, 04:06:41 UTC
He had a top hat?! That is awesome. Also, at first I just read that you were sitting next to a top hat. Like, just the hat. No person. XDDD


kratynoi August 1 2012, 05:56:47 UTC
HAHAHAHA XDDDD Yes, there was a he....I probably would have busted out laughing if I just sat next to a top hat with no...owner. xDDD


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