is a video of U2 AND Green Day's hit "The Saints Are Coming", which the sung at the reopening of the Superdome after Katrina. My question is, does the video look fake to you? I don't remember seeing 2 dozen Black Hawks in one shot or an F-18 anywhere in the sky when I was watching live footage on TV. If the video is a fake, A) It's an absolute outrage that they would even think of altering the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, and, B) Not one person on the entire Internet has noticed it. Most have just claimed how awesome the video is. Am I going crazy or do those planes look digitally animated?
I am also looking for advice. On the 11th of November, I am going to tell H I can't make it to my performance that night and am instead going to go down to see Jimmy perform in Good on its closing night. My problem is that the show will get out around 11:00, and Gentile, my ride, is staying the night. I wish to spend the night, but as most of you know, I work at the church on Sunday mornings from 8-1. I could tell work I won't be there, but the problem is that next Sunday, the 5th, I will not be there because my cousin is being Christened. This would leave me to believe I should go straight home, but that desicion means my Mum has to drive out to Wostah and pick me up, which makes me feel like an ass. So, do I stay the night and take off the second week, or do I come home, but inconvenience my Mum in the process? Help!