It has been some years since I truly sat down to write anything more than a rant. I have always had difficulties continuing with my little projects, but the Corisca stories have proved more difficult than most. I started the project in High School as an entry to the lit magazine that the school decided to put out. I quickly found that the three page limit set out in the magazine entry rules would not let me adequately treat the ideas which had been floating around my skull for some time. Toward the end of page five I realized that if I wanted to have any chance of getting published in this magazine I needed to hurry up and finish. So the first installment of the then titled “Corisca Saga” was somewhat less than it could have been. This rushed treatment tainted the waters of all that followed for this project. With every piece I tried to bring the lose ends together, yet in the end I found that I had written myself into a corner. The project sat festering in a corner folder on a backup hard drive for over 7 years. Not to say that nothing happened with the world or characters. they all went through several stages of change in other media, yet no matter where they turned up the problem was the same. I felt that the story had stagnated.
Perhaps this has to do with my changing views of literature and writing. Perhaps I had just outgrown that sandbox world. Whatever the external reasons, the most pressing problem for me has to do with the nature of creating. Where does the creator end and the creation begin? at what point does a creation, especially a work of fiction, take on its own life? There came a point in all of this where the characters and world seemed to cease to be mine. It was at this point that I lost track of where the story should go. These characters have become very dear to a number of people through various creative venues, and because of this it has been very difficult for me to pick up my pen again and re imagine the world and peoples. perhaps it is time. maybe they are ready for change. I am attempting to go back and start over. To relearn the world and peoples of Corisca and see how they, and their stories, have matured. Hopefully my attempts will not be another failed foray into a dead and stagnant world.