Oct 11, 2006 01:53
yeah, I apologize for the title now. Sitting in business law that was what brought me out of my 8am class stupor. God I hate 8am classes, and I know that most of the world, or at least the few readers of my notes, will agree with that statement. BUT I do have to say that they have their good points. firstly, most of the time the class proctors hate 8am classes even more, this is especially true if it is a Grad student. Secondly, they do tend to help give a sense of a full and productive day. do these few points make it any easier to get up at the ass crack of dawn to stagger to an overcrowded class and attempt to not pass out? hell no! do they make it worth it? no again. do they make it grudgingly acceptable? yeah, I guess.
now, back to the title... who the hell would molest a cow? I mean eeew!