Yeah, so I havn't really been updating my happy little blog here all that regularly. This has been a combination of things, primarily writers block and that everything that pops into my mind is too personal for this particular blog. But I need to do something to keep you all (and by all I mean the five people that read this) satisfied so here is some random crap.
This is what I had for lunch today. It was in all seriousness the most rancid smelling and disgusting looking pea soup I have ever had- but damn did it taste good. The only problem- 8 hours later I still feel like I just ate it. Now I've posted the picture of this on a couple sites, and I've gotten comments varying from 'that is soup?' to 'that reminds me of the scene in The Exorcist where...' mostly from people who I am sure have never in their life had pea soup. Now mind you this stuff is not great, never would I have more then one bowl at a sitting and I'd never want it more then once or twice a year- but mind you when you want it there is no substitute. Yes it really is sad I know.
My next two points deal with the absolutely amazing day I had yesterday- yes I know I said I didn't want this to turn into a blog pertaining to my life- but though fucking shit I'm the writer and I'll do as I please!
Now the first deals with one of my favourite- and definatly one of my more personal topics- guns. I spent the entire day with my girlfriend and at one point had the oppurtunity to teach her how to shoot. Now this was great for me, it is my personal belief that everyone should know to respect, fear and safely operate the firearms that we as American citizens have a right to own. So I gathered up my single-shot J.C. Higgens .22 long rifle and about 30 rounds of .22 Remington hollow points and we headed out back. My stepfather brought out a paper target for me to set up, and I proceeded to shot my better half how to properly handle, aim, and fire this weapon. She did damn good. I don't think she missed the paper target once, and mind you this was her first time touching off a real gun, so to say the least I was impressed. Sure she needs to work on things, including how to handle the rifle when not firing it, and she (I quote DuceAnAHalf from CVU) 'needs to bring the rifle up to her eye not bring her eye down to the rifle'. Of course these are things she will learn, and given more time I think she'll be damn good with a weapon, and so long as she respects the power that she holds in her hands when she is holding that gun I will have no problems teaching her. I'm sure she's willing to learn more too, she seemed to have a damn good time just firing off those rounds.
Now my second little rant/whatever will be about the movie Sahara. Me and my girlfriend went to see this film last night as a good ending to quite a nice evening, an evening that resulting in my blowing almost all the money I'd made that day, but no matter- we had fun. Now the first 10 minutes of Sahara were absolutely amazing, and had the rest of the movie followed in its footsteps I would of reccomended it to everyone hands down, I mean those 10 minutes were better then many movies I've seen. Sadly though the rest of the movie in no way measures up. Now this isn't to say Sahara was a bad movie, no it was better then I expected it to be- and was quite a fun movie to watch- but the rest of the movie just failed to keep up with those first 10 minutes. I'd also like to point out that Steve Zahn did great in this movie, he was perfect for the character Al, funny as all hell. He lost his hat.