
Dec 21, 2009 12:51

I have a webcounter on my webpage. There's been two noteworthy incidents recently.

1. I've been getting hits from corporations I do business with. When I ordered Christian's computer on my account, and the computer arrived at the FedEx facility in Tennessee, I got a hit from them where they spent a couple minutes looking at my page. I wondered if they were checking out for Apple whether I deserved the education discount, but really I had no clue. A second incident happened right around that time where I requested missing mileage with Continental and got a hit to my webpage from them the same day. Are these just bored customer reps?

2. I got a hit today from Bumpass, Virginia. I don't know whether to parse that as Bum-pass or Bump-ass, but either way it's hilarious.

corporations, webpage, geography

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