
Apr 25, 2008 23:17

Took a light day today. Worked a bit at home then went to Tokyo Fish to "stockpile" on rice.* I ended up remembering there were other things to buy there too (soy sauce, tofu) and then I noticed the super cheap fresh squid they had there. They weren't old or anything, just that they got some big shipment and set a low price. Well, I went sorta shop-happy and bought 1.8 pounds. For just me and Christian. Yeah, not thinking too much. Well, actually I thought that once you remove the heads and guts there would be much less weight left. Turns out that heads and guts is only 25% of the weight. So, um, dinner tonight was a huge amount of fried calamari. It was delicious, but even after Christian and I stuffed ourselves there was still a full helping left. So we called up once_a_banana, who was conveniently returning from the supermarket with Ian, so they hadn't eaten yet and had just passed by our place and had beer in their possession = good times! We four talked for a while and they just left a few minutes ago to eat a "proper" dinner.

* The Wall Street Journal even had an editorial recently urging Americans to "stockpile" on items in the pantry, because the shortages happening elsewhere in the world are imminent here. Also, with the rapidly rising cost of food, an investment now in rice would yield better returns than any money market fund. I was not convinced, but since I had read that Sam's Club and Costco had started limiting rice purchases in their Bay Area stores, I was interested to see how severe the situation had gotten. Not to mention that we were almost out of rice anyway. Well, there was no rush on rice at Tokyo Fish and a 20lb bag was only $12, which is probably a 25-33% increase over their price a year ago, but still not that terrible a price for freakin' 20 pounds.


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