Anti-Bush dream

Oct 13, 2005 09:34

Had a crazy anti-Bush dream/nightmare last night. In the dream I was in a really fancy restaurant (fictional, of course), which was on top of the hills in Berkeley. It was a very pricey and exclusive restaurant because of the incredible view of the Bay that you had. And this being despite the floor being tilted downwards at a 60 degree angle. Since the restaurant was so crowded that night, I had to share a booth with this random woman. I sit down at my table, take out my laptop and begin working. Except that I can't work because I constantly have to catch my drink and my silverware to stop it from sliding off the table. Finally I get so fed up that I go to the management to complain. When I return to my computer, it has a giant message saying "Obscene files have been found on your computer that are in violation of the new penal code." Apparently these "obscene" files were simply my gay porn. But the computer reboots, and when it reloads, there is a new interface that says I have no access to any of my old files, and that I only have 500MB of free space, and that I will not be able to access my old files until I go through this lengthy web training/community service on a government website, that would involve me providing them with ridiculous amounts of personal information. I was so mad in the dream because of the audacious invasion of my privacy--someone in the restaurant had gone onto my computer, found a file, and reported me--and then the ridiculously harsh punishment of not being able to access ANY of your files. Worst of all, this law seemed to completely forgo trial by jury in order for someone to be prosecuted for it. All my frustrations about Bush's disregard of the political and judicial process, as well as his insistence on imposing his morality on the country, we completely embodied by my anger at my computer being rendered completely useless, and me feeling completely powerless to do anything about it.

Let's hope that this dream isn't an omen for political developments to come.

dream, politics

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