meta-confused dream

Sep 30, 2005 16:03

I had a dream last night where my cousin Eve was trying to rent a delivery truck in Poland. The guy came buy with the truck, but he only knew the basics of driving it--literally just the gas pedal, steering wheel and brake. So when my cousin started asking him all these questions about the emergency brake and other stuff, he didn't know any answers. My cousin got all anxious because she had never driven a big truck before, but her boss needed her to drive it. The weird thing was, the whole dream was in Polish, and my cousin has a tendency to forget words and interject English words or conjugate verbs wrong or put the wrong endings on adjectives, etc. So, when she said "boss", she tried using a Polish word for it and said "kucharz" which is the Polish word for a cook. That confused the truck guy, who was wondering why Eve's cook was so adamant about her driving this truck. I was confused as to why she said that word when talking about her boss, until I pieced it all together: the Polish word for "boss" is "szef", which is pronounced like the English word "chef", which is a "cook", and translating back into Polish, you get "kucharz".

This is strangely reminding me of various commutative diagrams that have come up in my math classes lately.

dream, language

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