Apr 23, 2010 08:36
Вот такое письмецо получили от полиции в лондонской Little Black Gallery после открытия выставки Боба Карлоса Кларка.
Даром что галерея в Челси - вся история отдает русским душком. Или это вулканическим пеплом навеяло?
'I write further to my visit earlier today.
As discussed, the RBK&C [Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea) council have received a complaint concerning what is perceived to be pornographic images in the window of the gallery.
Most of your pictures are not clearly visible unless you either enter the gallery or look carefully through the window.
However, there are two large images in the windows that can be clearly seen by passing pedestrians; 'Whip girl' and 'Tite Street'.
My assessment is that 'Whip girl' is acceptable but I have some concerns about 'Tite Street'.
'Tite Street' appears to show a man having rear entry sex with a woman who is bent double and not wearing any knickers. Of course, this is not the appropriate place to have a debate about art verses pornography.
It is my assessment that 'Tite Street' should not able to be clearly viewed from the street. I strongly advise that 'Tite Street' is moved.
You have accepted that the exhibition has generated several complaints, albeit mostly anonymous.
You need to take into consideration your location which is close to a primary school.
At this exact time no crime has been recorded. I do however need to point out that you might be committing an offence under Section 4A or Section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986.
I note your actions to reduce any offence caused by not allowing unaccompanied under 18's and placing a sign on the front door.'