(no subject)

May 24, 2006 14:35

so today the crazy christians came again, but this one had by far my favorite sign. i dont remember quite what the wording for the beginning was, so no harsh corrections o western people.

anyway the top had the typical REPENT or somesuch, and then listed all the people that should fear gods righteous wrath. those included:

sports nuts
false religions (with a picture of buddha)
lewd women
child-molesting homosexuals (my dyke friend questioned whether they were against all homosexuals, or just the child molesting ones)
pot-smoking little devils
AND mormons.

there were a few others i'm sure i was missing, but you get the idea.

when i asked the guy about what he considered a "rebelllious woman" he went on this rant about how he was all for strong women, and that his ideal woman was the pioneer woman who carried a musket, raised kids and kept the house all "while wearing a dress". and of course bowing to her husbands wishes.

obviously, women not wearing dresses must fit into the "lewd" catergory.

though, i have to say, his friend (also wearing a similar sign) disagreed and was more to the mind that women are great in the eyes of god.... because they bear children.

guess rebellious woman equals any woman not in a dress pumping out babies while tending the kitchen.

thus ends my happy little atheist rant.
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