Mar 19, 2004 23:55
Well i havent written in a lil while cause , umm i dont know nothing to freeking interesting has happened , umm i went out with billy and steve to karaoke, and me and billy were all flirty and shit, he calls himself my future husband, ?.....
ergg thats it i guess , im rushing kappa kappa phi (music co-ed fraternity) OH! every one must read the Da Vinci code , its freeking awesome, its like incredibly awesome , i recommend it to every one!
the author is a genius it has so much research and the story line is great , (im some what quoting the reviews , but there true in my opinion) it has like a couple of different things going on that result from the same story , like its a couple of different stories in one novel but the catch is it the time span of the novel is about two days ! so its very detailed that’s why I thought it was so amazing , I’ve read novels that thick that happen over years , that’s why I thought it having different interwoven stories was cool , its only two days , I used to think that only so much could happen in two days. Yes I do read books that have more than one story in them, I read grown up books ! :::gasp::: big people books ! oh no like “real novels”
So what ever I havent been up to much , so ….. until next time I leave with words of wisdom
Insight of the day:
If those who guide you assert: behold, the kingdom is in the heavens,
Then the birds are closer to it than you;
If they say, it is in the sea,
Then the fishes know it already …
The kingdom is with in you
And it is out side of you
When you know your self,
Then you will be known and you will know
That you are the children of the father, the living one;
But if you do not know your self
Then you are in vain
And you are vanity
Logion 3 , The Gospel Of Thomas