People should stop being so smart. I don’t think gods ever going to judge you on how smart you are, if you attain knowledge it should be for your curiosity of the world, then when you know something you can realize how much nothing you have learned. Then you'll realize how you wish you knew none of it, and you'll realize how those who know nothing
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and i wassnt trying to spare your feelings and i was being honest, thats exactly what i think, so i dont know what to call my writing i was just trying to give it a name. and to be truthfull, that comment did hurt my ego because i was not expecting a comment on the format,i never pay attention to format but the content, its like listening to a song and complaining about how many measures the chourus is, or the bridge is in the wrong place .
And ill explain to you how the format and knowledge are connected, as for the knowledge stuff theres this thing im getting into called zen and taoism and its all about letting go of "being so smart " and its purpose is to atain a beginers mind which is why i write, basically just free writing, kinda like zen drawing(a form of free drawing)
carl jung calls it free association, but thats where your actually given a topic, i found you can learn a lot about a your self if you pick a topic or a person, and write whatever comes to your mind even if it scares you , and when you can share it with others you have begun to overcome it.
thats why it has no format and its not meant to impress others but, thanks for your comment it made me remember why i write and why i write the way i do
wierded out!
Well.. off to San Francisco. Bye.
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