Special Report

Apr 19, 2007 20:10


Our regularly scheduled program The True Life Story of Rascal will not be shown at the current time. Instead we will bring you this Special Report.

Hello, I am Dina Sardina bringing you a special report on the events of the last few hours. Yesterday a new episode of True Life Stories was aired. It contained part 1 of a story on Rascal the Cat. Much like previous episodes of True Life stories, such the story on Fluffy the Cobra and Mugsy the Spider, the story of Rascal the cat's life was shown. In it some very traumatic events were shown. People were quite shocked to learn about what Rascal had to endure in one of the show's more dramatic moments. There was a description of the terrible treatment Rascal had to endure at the hands of his owners. In one particular scene, we learn that rascal face was shoved into dirt at the hands of the so called "Mighty Evil Dictator Owner". Descriptions of this scene caused great consternation in the community and this station received many calls complaining about the graphic description.

Well today we have learned about new developments in this story. The True Life studios have suddenly shut down. Producers have been seen digging vigorously in their back yards and borrowing money from friends. One of them was seen in the vicinity of the pier, looking out at the sunset, a look of forlorn on his face. We have also learned of some legal action taking place. It appears the Rascal has decided to sue the studios, his owners and this station for pain, suffering, defamation of character and willful starvation of a hopelessly kawaii kitty. Hordes of supporters have been seen at Casa de Kranki et Loopy with signs reading "Shame on You", "The Evil Plant of Doom deserved it", and "Hi Mom!".

Special Report will continue to update you on the latest developments of this story. Although part 2 of the True Life Story of Rascal will not air, now that the producers have fled to Cuba, Special Reports has obtained various images to be used in the unseen episode. Here they are, but be warned, they are of a graphic nature and may be too strong for some of our more sensitive viewers.

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