Happy π Day Everyone

Mar 14, 2007 15:22

So it turns out that today is π Day (3/14). Just noticed this at 3:14pm. You can find out more about it here

π is a very special number. Now everybody is different with regards to this. Some people say it is 3.14. That is probably the most common hence the celebration. Others tend to say 25/8 (I actually meant 22/7, but it turns out that the Babylonians actually used 25/8). I tend to use the more precise version of 3.14159. There was this one guy in the company who's nickname was Pi because in high school he memorized π up to something like 2000 decimals. Kinda interesting. Actually mostly nerdy I suppose.

So enjoy some
on this very special π Day.

Also notice my awesome Trogdor bumper sticker. It is most excellent. Originally provided by 
loopylape  I could not imagine my cube without it.

trogdor, pie, calendar, burninator, pi

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