Jun 11, 2010 23:55
- 07:17 WORLD CUP DAAAAAAY!!! #fb #
- 11:25 Photo: xplanes: THAT. Is an awesome photo. tumblr.com/xy8bd6xyw #
- 11:34 I have already seen one person driving around my neighborhood with an England flag on their car. Footie spirit! #fb #
- 11:35 Let's go South Africa!!! #
- 11:58 wooow, mexico with the equalizer.. wellp, RSA didn't lose at least! #worldcup #
- 12:04 I wish I could find my vuvuzela - I had a big yellow horn from New Years 2009. #fb #
- 12:10 Screw you SIrius for putting all the World Cup games on "The Best of XM" when both SIrius and XM get the ESPN channel. #
- 12:54 am-i-ginger: LOL WHY U MAD THO tumblr.com/xy8bdbr68 #
- 13:13 @ wilw will he really join up tho? #
- 16:09 Video: Stop-motion sticky-note Mario! I love Japan!! (props to @mkeagle for posting this) tumblr.com/xy8bdlzup #
- 16:10 Uruguay wtf... they deserved that sendoff #worldcup #
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