" i can see where that could be... offensive"

Jan 12, 2005 13:24

i'm in such a weird mood today. but here i am, with my cow soup as jaime calls it, just wondering why the hell i'm so retarded. i don't know why i did it. maybe because i was TOLD to, but that's okay. maybe i shouldn't have thought it, or resisted them.

anyways.. my mum thinks i've misplaced my friends because i had told her i lost them. she blamed me for not putting them away when i was done with them and told me that that's how things get lost. somehow, i think it's more complicated than that.

spuds has kidney stones! i asked him if he would save them and send them to us, cause barb collects weird shtuff. like stitches from spuds' head, the dime from dan's dime 'incident', and the engagement ring from dan's ex girlfriend's brother's fiance.

i was looking through THE BOX today and found all the shit i had collected from different friends. not literal shit, meaningful... shtuff. i have letters, pieces of metal from cars that drove down mifflin road, um.. a mercedes benz keychain thing from mummy dan, pictures people have colored for me, tickets, NA keychains, um.. and a tooth.

andy enjoys watching sharks get naked.

breanna's here. she's trying to feed me goldfish. oh my. that was crazy. me and my mum just took turns singing bohemian rhapsody to the babe, what babe, the babe with the power, what power, the power of voodoo, who do, you do, do what, remind me of the babe. sorry, bowie moment.

so today my art teacher sent me an email and now i have to do a self portrait or some shit and i don't have any pictures of myself, and i think i'm just going to draw some god awful monster and color it in........chartreuse. yes. that will be nice. i lost a lot of blood this past week, eh?

careful with that axe, eugene.
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