Dec 22, 2004 21:48
i have a feeling that i'm going to seek more opportunities in the near future. andy maybe moving out (again).. he's sleeping at shannon's tonight.
so maybe i was just imagining things, but i kind of felt de ja vu a short bit ago. i don't really want to say why. after all, i have to be careful what i say in this aparently. i guess i shant share my true thoughts and feelings about peoples and persons. anywho, to sum it up, i'd rather jack off in the privacy of my own home. i wouldn't gather up the family to watch me.
there's only one person that REALLY applies to, and they don't read this, so i shall be alright.
emily's neighbor talks alot. he reminds me of dirty harry. um. right. i just made an ass load of cookies at em's house and came home kind of early. earlier than expected at least.
some people get on my nerves. if you're drunk, then that's understandable. but don't act like an ass when you're sober, it makes you look simple.
i really like this shirt. thank you emily.
i decided i shouldn't just wait for things to change. that's rather pathetic of me. then again that's just who i am. but i'll just shrug it off and let it be.
paper catches on fire easily. and hair smells bad when it burns. skin does too after a while. but i've always hated the scent of skin. quite repulsive. shall i shave off my skin and grow a new coat? aye.
i'm sorry. but i'm afraid that in my weakened condition i could take a nasty spill down the stairs and subject myself to further school absences.
i don't see these alleged comments, but okay. one moment please. must flash the neighbor. hm. he's weird. creepy weird. it was em's idea. i still have a lot of english to do over the break.
skin the sun, fall asleep. wish away, the soul is cheap. lesson learned, wish me luck. soothe the burn, wake me up.