family ties (nippon picture post vol. 7)

Aug 13, 2005 12:04

so my family came in town and i actually had a good time. besides the fact that i got three new sweaters, two new jackets (one denim, one brocade), a new pair of jeans, and some new back-to-school sauconys, we feasted like kings and then my sis got to see how we do down here in tha durrty, bg style. there was drama, random hustlas, drinking, puking (courtesy of tricia), a long-ass ride on a nearly empty tank out in the cut, keg stands, tree-climbing, hosers, and puppies. classic bg. i wish the whole crew had been there, but the McGee family was in top form as per the usual. you know how we do.

so it's fitting that our next stop on my photographic tour of japan that no one cares about anymore except me is the cozy home of the mukouya family, the awesome people i lived with for ten days in nara.

that's me with hitomi-san, our host mom and the only one in the family who spoke any english. she is the coolest person. i really hope i get to go back and visit her again because she is just a really awesome person. here are the boys:

that's me with masanari, the youngest (11), and the funniest. that kid's a pistol. he seriously cracked me up. he's a total karaoke champ too. he's definitely the baby too because whenever his brothers mess with him, he still makes sure his oka-san knows about it. it's adorable.

on the left there is takanari, the middle (15), and the shyest and quietest. he is cool as hell too though. he totally took care of the spider that devoured nara in our room without killing it even though it tried to eat his face because spiders are "helpful insects." rock.

this is kazunari, the oldest (17), and the one we saw the least. he only came home to eat (which is the only time i was able to get his picture) and sleep. he straightened his hair every morning and would come home from soccer practice at night and eat massive amounts of food and watch soap operas on tv. i didn't see him crack a book once. he'll be uber-hott in about three years.

and on the right there is my beer and cigarette buddy toshifumi-san, the dad. he did not want his picture taken, but hitomi made him. she's really the boss of the whole operation, but she just makes him think he is. he never got home from work before 10pm and then he'd stretch out on the floor after eating and ass the hell out, snoring and everything. he worked for an AC company, so we were some lucky bastards to have AC in every room. he hooked me up with some sweet kirin lager. it was love.

here's their house:

on the very first day there, we got to go to an open house at masanari's school. it was crazy. you'd think the people there had never seen white people before. it was nuts, but really fun too. we got introduced to the class and none of the kids paid any attention. they were working on fractions that day.

then we went bowling! hitomi and toshifumi are great bowlers. there was a huge arcade in the waiting area, where i played massive amounts of taiko drummer and zombie-killing games with big guns. it was fun as hell.

we got to mess around with fireworks one night, complete with parental supervision.

we even got to hit up an amusement park. i'm tellin you, the mukouyas know how to have some fun in life.

they have a tv in their car that is not only a tv and a radio and an onstar system, but it is also hooked up to this little camera on the back bumper that shows you how you're parking when you're backing into a spot and has this little grid that shows you if you're lined up correctly. it's fucking awesome.

on our last night there, hitomi got us this awesome chocolate and banana mousse cake. it was so oishii and so sweet of her, and she made us promise to come back and visit. that's how fucking cool hitomi mukouya is.

next up: more fun in nara
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