Dec 14, 2007 06:26
kaan was in my dream last night.
he called me and I was asking him how on earth he was calling me, cause wasn't he still in the service? we chatted for a little bit and that's really all I remember, but it was nice to dream about him =)
I woke up and rolled over and almost called him because I was so convinced that I'd be able to talk to him if I did. dreams are funny.
do you guys ever have dreams so realistic that you wake up and think that they've actually happened? I've been thirsty before and dreamed about having water next to my bed, and then I wake up and reach for it, but there's no water there. sometimes I try to convince myself that I've drunk water in my dream, so then I'll wake up and not be thirsty, but that doesn't work either. it's funny.
I did indeed go shopping yesterday, but I didn't manage to get any christmas shopping done. =( I went to target and the mall but ended up spending money on myself instead. I bought two pairs of jeans and a long sleeve grey shirt thing from target.
I hate christmas shopping. =S it's hard.