Cale Twitter Party!!

Jan 31, 2010 13:50


@jbottle haha, nope, not at the grammy party with Kris...but if i was...would i be having this PARRRTTAAYY...i think not..

@inmyregrets who was the hottest golden girl? the oldest one...duh..

@abietic haha, latinjesus was never Chris Torres' you'll have to ask the imposter...who was probably jack bauer

Is there such a thing as a #twitterpoolparty? if so...can we make that happen? i'll bring the capri sun.

@calevis24 pie > cake, y/n?
@graceofgravity pie > cake...false Cake > pie > TT > Twizzlers...but cupcakes trump them all...don't bring those to shows...i can't run nuf

@asidahxzxz haha fav chick flick? maybe the notebook...that one gets just keep building that house Noah...she'll come back

@calevis24 When you say 'new songs', do you mean new from the album, new covers, or entirely new songs?
@kelilyma3 haha...maybe a mix...not giving away any secrets just yet...don't wanna spoil the fun

@ranameyer haha, yes, i lived on katy and kris's couch for a bit, so we could rehearse, do some shows, and write some new stuff

@kodachrome621 will Kris do any BNS songs on tour? not sure, I think we're just really excited about writing, it's the best part of this

@mattyg1297 haha, celeb crush? maybe Jessica Beil...but i think it's just cause she looks like my beautiful GF @katebarber :)

@FallOutCookGirl tour date info? constantly working on that. i can say that it will be us supporting a huge band, or rockin it solo, b there

@mariepotter360 prize for being bachelor of the year? NO! r u kidding me right? quite the rip huh? their secret is out!

Hellooo @calevis24, will u ever answear any of my tweets?
@silkinpark no...wait...DANGIT! ;)

@Mer89 when are the AOL sessions coming out? i don't freaking know! we wanna see them more than you guys do! I PROMISE!

@shoshpaige clowns funny or creepy? i have to answer that...exhibit A. the movie IT. exhibit B. any clown ever

@ginaisamazingx3 if kris decides to dress as a panda for our next show??? i'll dress as a smaller panda...and scare him by sneezing...

@asidahxzxz is the @krisallenband permanent? i think so! we all love playing together and the guys are crazy talented

@pacif07 last i downloaded from i tunes? probably @needtobreathe hopefully you guys'll check em out...they're amazing

it takes a long time to answer cause there are a ton of questions to filter through!

@The_QueenP if your life was a movie, what would be the song playing over your triumphant moment during the climax? prob Claire D' Lune

@asidahxzxz who is more witty? you or kris? A: John Mayer

@tawneej What do you think they want? haha they want food...i promise...

@pacif07 haha Kris has been wanting to play that little piano for a while now...just waiting for the right moment...maybe soon :)

@hafie_oasis Oasis or Blur? OASIS...on the basis of the song Gas Panic alone...good luck finding that one though

@mopresh22 it's official. my tweets r they're not :)

@Overboarding next single? there have been talks...but if i gave it away...i'd prob be airmailed back to arkansas...noone wants that right?

@mellayyyy five things i can grab from where i'm sitting? 1. lamp 2. bad coffee 3. micro fridge 4. chair 5. gray shirt

@ohcloudy do i say soda or pop? what am i 80? i say coke...or drpepper...or cream soda...mmm cream soda

@leajo40 favorite beatles album? prob abbey road...then revolver...then rubber soul...fav song by them...oh darling...or i'm down

@calevis24 Your penchant for ignoring my tweets leads me to believe my questions are lame, thus damaging my already low self-esteem
@smores100 consider the self esteem restored... :)

@Haelsly fictional character i'd most like to hang out with? Mcgyver...or the ninja turtles...or jiminy cricket...whew...too many choices

@inmyregrets Do you listen to any music that isn't white dudes tho? haha, yeah, check out Cody Chesnutt and Aceyalone if ya haven't already!

@damitman Will you answer atleast one of my questions? no...WAIT...not again

@shoshpaige How many times did you vote for Kris on the finale night? according to the LA times about 38 million times...please haha

@calevis24 how much does the Price is Right suck now that Barker is gone, though?
@angabella haha, the best price is right was in the later years...when you could tell barker just didn't care AT ALL...priceless

@Glitteryneko do you belive in life after love? i can feel something inside me saying...i really don't think you're strong enough...cher

@feelingamazing is my main thrill in life makeovers? extreme home makeovers? then yes...that spiky haired dude is merciless with my tears

@fraying_ends favorite disney movie? cartoon? action...ummm...too many

@calevis24 Have you had In-N-Out burger yet? If so, how do you take your burgers? Animal style?
@h2oconvo haha, we had n and out last night! first time! Torres ate...i had a milkshake...i wanted mayo...they didnt have it...really?

@j_tak What would you do for a Klondike bar? nothing...what's a Klondike bar ever done for me? this feels like a one sided relationship!

ok...for everyone..i wish i could, make you stay, just like you should, so take it slow, before you go, if it's all gonna end, let me ask

me ask you again, cause i need to be sure! YEAH! there ya go! ahah, as prmised

@calevis24 Who is taller, you or Chewbacca?
@chachithegreat I'm somewhere in between and Chewbacca and an Ewok

@inmyregrets Time to give the ellipsis a break, Cale. - you're right...

@calevis24 .....This is Ricky Williams lol.....I believe @KAaddicts is wantn to know how you like your eggs cooked..
@rickystheman haha sup buddy! scrambled my they make em any other way?!

I had a close encounter with @calevis24 once at the grove but not sure if this qualifies as close enough!
@unravel101 HAHA! dude...that's funny...holla at me next time

@sacgrl09 new songs i can tweet about? not yet. we wanna wait wait till we can get the new songs perfect to unveil them, stil works nprogres

ok folks im thinking i gotta watch this movie now or ill be up forever...any las pressing query's?

@snapcracklypop maybe we'll try a bubble tweet soon. kris is the more knowledgeable fellow on all things TWEET

@Destati_hxn fav vid game character? Chrono

@calevis24 You're in the shower. *dramatic pause* ....*continues* What are you singing?
@smores100 I'm singing Van Deiman's land by U2...check it out...edge sang it, beautiful

@realdetective fav fictional robot? Johnny 5 duh

@kt_cle my pick for the superbowl? i'm going saints, i got nothing but love for the colts, but New Orleans loves their team, Saints by three

@ffaaiitthh123 helllooo faith, nice name!

ok, only by percentages...ratings for book of Eli everyone?

yeah, i saw it, thought it was great...there's much debate over whether the TWIST is really there or not...thats all im saying

@calevis24 Do you have the most luscious hair of @krisallenband? ACK, spelling is hard when slightly drunk
@Mer89 haha, i have to give lucious hair award to Torres...then to andrew with his late 50's quaff...then ryland, the blonde beau, so forth

@calevis24 on a scale of 1-10 how bored are you?
@morgan4realzzz haha not bored now, was car in LA limits your options..."walk to subway" is always an option anywhere in the US

@calevis24 You are A+, Cale. That is all
@tawneej thank you mamm

@calevis24 but you have the best beard.
@kt_cle valid...i'll take best beard title any day. unless i'm hangin with kenny log

@abietic i'm not sure when torres will get on. he's a laid back dude, so it would be ultimately chill tweets

aight folks, im peacing out if this movie's gonna happen. thanks for chatting and supporting the band, we appreciate yall so much. love all!

holy moses, twitter party, cale is still a better actor than kris

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