Jan 08, 2015 17:16
I think this is going to be another good semester. So far I know someone in all my classes, and today I met someone in Advanced Bus. Docs who asked about 2048, which I was playing, and then we bonded over our hatred of the word 'addicting.' I think she isn't a student but types the class verbatim for another student with special needs.
Decided to go to Midland for my birthday after all. Before I came back to Barrie I had decided I wouldn't, because I was feeling so terrible and couldn't imagine spending even more time there. But I've been here for a week and I'm feeling better. Plus, apparently [roommate's boyfriend] is now staying until Sunday and I need to get out. I don't quite get why I hate that he's here so much. I like him, he's a nice guy, we both like Doctor Who and nerdy things, I don't feel uncomfortable around him. Maybe it's just about the number of people in the house total. Four is fine for a little while but not a whole fucking week.
Eyes are really sore today. Need to get going on my new year's resolutions: optometrist, budget, putting things away when I'm done with them. The last one seems deceptively simple but I keep forgetting! How can someone who likes organizing as much as I do be so messy?