May 01, 2004 23:54
i saw an absurd opinion column in the paper today. This guy wrote to the editior and criticized the monroe county's general voting habits. After he identified himself as a new york transplant, he stated:
-All Monrovians worked two jobs and were therefore poor.
-Since Rich people vote republican, all poor people vote Democrat (possible to cash in on various Democratic-Sponsored entitlement programs).
-Since vote registration in Monroe county is 50% Repub and 50% Dem, 50% of the population must be out of their minds.
As you can see, this man is too partisan. Like a promising young politician that I know (Geoff Roach), this man thinks, "if it ain't democratic, it ain't good." This, my friend, is what is wrong with the country today. People like this prevent things from getting done in all levels of politics because they are afraid to cross party lines. Frustrating.