Relationships - Where I'm at now

Dec 04, 2008 19:08

Looking back through my LJ, I find that I repeat things a lot.  I suppose this should tell me something about how I've been dealing with my issues...

I really miss having a girlfriend.
Lately I've been trying to wrap my head around the idea of dating, and various models of dating, and how different people seem to handle it.

Come on, you know you want to read it~ )

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sakuragrrl December 6 2008, 00:16:24 UTC
Uh, did you know that your entry has an "adult content" warning on it, Max? ::tried to view it from work::

I'm not actually advocating dating random people, my entire post was written somewhat in the context of talking about someone you already know. I'm not big on dating random people, either. What I'm saying is that flexibility is good, because there are all sorts of factors that go into a relationship that you might not be able to parse out, no matter how long you've known the person or how carefully you've observed them. Perceived perfection can be disappointing, and something that seems like only a so-so idea can turn out to be very strong. Practice self-preservation, but don't limit yourself arbitrarily. Experiences are what life's about, and you'll never have them if you never put yourself out there! That's what I think, at least.

I'm leery about getting into a relationship just based on infatuation, too. On the other hand, I've never had a relationship work out well that didn't involve some completely irrational feelings of passion on my part. Not saying that relationships based on infatuation necesarily work at all, just saying that in my experience the opposite has definitely not worked. I wasn't invested enough, and they came to an awkward end.

... It just occurred to me that those two paragraphs could be perceived as completely contradictory. The second is strictly my experience, though, and I can't say how it would apply to somebody else.


lady_tigerfish December 6 2008, 03:59:20 UTC
I get an adult content warning every time I click on an LJ cut for him, and have for awhile, for whatever reason >>;;

Agree with what you said in this comment. I'm the first to admit that I'm a little bit of a chicken when it comes to risking my heart, and too much caution means you're never gonna date anyone. I also agree that experiences are valuable; I think I'm mostly gunshy because I've seen too many risks go poorly with others and so I still have an @_@ reaction half the time. Still, most of those were risks far more extreme than I think any of us are likely to take.

Half of what I said could be percieved as totally contradictory too, and I both stand by what I said and totally get all of what you said. I also agree with you on some of the points that contradict mine while still not ruling mine out, as seen above. I think this is what happens when you try to discuss love. God love is weird XD

And nono, me too, with the experience thing. Any of what I said could be totally off the mark for anyone else, because everyone reacts to stuff differently; because all love happens in different situations; and all kinds of other weird unpredictable shit >>;;


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