Apr 25, 2007 11:45
So I've been updating on Xanga a lot. But thought I would post all I've put on there recently to here, and do that all the time. I dunno why. Guess so that way I'm updating both, so neither get deleted and shit. So...here's number one, and I think they're like 5 for now, maybe less.
So...been a while since I've really written in here! I always want to start back up, but I have no clue where to start. plus I don't want to just type once and not do it again for a while....so hopefully I'll keep this up.
Guess I'll start with my two week vacation back home. Well I went home for a few days, to visit with mom and the dogs. Then there was a surprise 70th birthday party for my Mammaw up in Washington DC. So my whole family went. It was so nice. My Mammaw was so surprised and was sooo happy we were all there. It was awesome to see how happy she was that all four children and all 6 out of 7 grandchildren were there. Well the night started great but ended badly. My mom kept ordering drinks. She ended up falling down at one point, so embarassing. Well we finally cut her off, but then she heard the kids wanted to go to Georgetown. So she's all excited. Well we decide to go to some club in DC that my aunt and uncle know the bouncer for. We go in without paying, get a free round of drinks, and chill. Well my mom keeps drinking. She's drunk now, dancing with random guys, making a fool of herself. She keeps trying to dance with me, but I'm pissed. So the last time she does, she spills a little drink on me and steps all over my feet. I'm mad already, so I tell her to stop...she gets mad and goes to say something like "well don't come running to me..." but then she steps on me again, so I say "That's like the 8th time you've stepped on my feet, just leave me alone!" A little harsh, but she wouldn't listen to us telling her to chill or anything. Well we go to leave, and they tell me to get my mom...and she's standing at the side of the room, crying. Now I feel like a total asshole. I try to console her, tell her I didn't mean to yell, but she pushes my hand away, so dad goes to get her. My brother thinks someone did something to her, getting all "I'll kick their ass" but I told him the story. The kids (my brother, my cousin, friend of the family coming to ecu nest semester) wanted to stay, but we all decided to go home for the night. My mom is mad at everyone for making her feel like a child. The next day, she doesn't remember a thing. But I'm still feeling like shit cause I made my mom cry. But she seriously doesn't even remembering going. So I feel a little better about it.
We go home the next day. I think I'm coming back to greenville that next day, but my friend Mary hits me up saying she'll be in town that wednesday. Well it was only a few days away, and I hadn't seen her in forever, so I decide to stay till then. She comes, we see some movies:
Pan's Labyrinth
Loved the music to it. Much more gory than I expected. Scenes like someone getting their face bashed in till their nose collapsed, and someone getting cut up by a small knife. But the story was really great. Love foreign films and this movie was a great one. I would see it if you aren't bothered by some mild violence and blood.
Epic Movie
Thought I would like it since I loved the Scary Movies and Mary like Date Movie, but turned out wrong. It's like an hour long, and the credits are 20 minutes long after that. There were maybe 5 scenes I found hilarious. Other than that, this movie sucked! Thank god I only payed $2 to see it!
Blades of Glory
Awesome movie! I love Will Ferell and Jon Heder! I don't think this was as good as Taladaga Nights, not as many memorable quotes, but it was still hilarious. I don't know what else to say about this movie. Some people would hate it, but if you like Will Ferell's movies, you'll like this one too. Just go see it!
So moving on...I ended up staying even later cause someone reminded me that Aria was performing in CWEA championships that saturday. So I went to that. Cold as hell outside, but it was a blast. Love the aria people! The performace was AMAZING! Never seen them so good before. They won the silver medal, which is bullshit, but I don't think that matters really. They know they did amazing, and that's the best part. Hope they did well at Worlds this weekend.
So I came home finally that sunday. Two weeks in Trinity. It was alright. I miss the puppies now. and my mom! Miss having a computer in the house, since I have to use the university manor lab here. Miss home cooked meals. but I got soooooo many "I miss you" messages from my favorites while I was gone. So many people were so sweet to me, saying how I needed to come back, how I was missed, how it sucks I'm at home. And let me tell you, when you're around a lot of people all the time, you know they care for you and you care for them...but sometimes you feel like you just blend in, like you're not special, like you are just a tag-along. but when I was home, i realized how much my friends mean to me and how much I mean to them. If it wasn;'t for them, I probably would have come back to greenville to pack my stuff up and move home to trinity, like my mom wants me to do so badly. you guys rock!
Good to be back. Hanging with Jared and Olivia and Rachel and Matt a lot. Which is awesome. Busy weekend! But happy, cause I get to be with my friends and just enjoy my life right now!
Hopefully I'll get on to update again soon. I'm sure I will, since this felt great to just type this all out. And doesn't even matter if anyone reads it! lol Later people!