Oct 26, 2006 21:59
As much as Western Culture may be polarized....or whatever the plural version of polarized would be, we definatly share the weird quality of collecting and spreading to other people our knowledge of things.
Sports stats
social theory
the OC
this was going somewhere great, but i got hungry. point?
Thats cool. collect and tell people about shit. but dont fucking openly promote shit. CRFU is playin the sound of birds with bells taped to them into a blender. Nobody can get down with that. And dont get all fucking post modern and say "what if i can" cause you can't. You take it for asthetic purposes so you can bring it up in your blog!
I've started compiling a list of people who you can talk to and its not for anything but the purpose of getting a little bit something for themselves. Not for the stoy. for the sake of learning.
its my list of Knowledge for Knowledge people who have been blowing my mind latley.
Michael "as per usual" Rancic
Hillary Ryde
My Uncle Tido (about music only)
H.G. Wells
Oh! MY original point was that i want to put a giant CD Library together. Like "i'll take your shit CDS that the pawn shop won't even buy" just to catalouge them. And then i'll buy a small transistor radio and set up a small little station. From my bedroom. Smoke crack off a spoon, and call me Christian Slater.