random shit

Feb 01, 2005 23:49

[my name is]: Heidi
[people call me]: Kiley or Heids
[in the morning]: I get out of bed
[love is]: Awesome
[if i could see one person right now]: Bradley
[tall or short]: Tall
[born]: April 19, 1984
[shoe]: New Balance gym shoes
[school]: Central Michigan University
[sibs]: bro Corey
[righty or lefty]: Righty

[been in love]: yes
[lied]: Yes
[given someone a bath]: My dogs
[smoked]: No
[bungee jumped]: No
[broken the law]: Yea
[skinny dipped]: Yes
[cried to get out of trouble]: Of course
[fallen for the wrong guy]: yea, tons of time
[cut your own hair]: yes
[been mean]: yes
[stalked someone]: No
[been sarcastic]: Yes
[talked to someone]: All the time
[hugged someone]: Yes, I love hugs
[fought with parents]: Yes
[skipped school]: Yes, my roommate is a bad influence
[kept a secret from everyone]: Yes
[had an imaginary friend]: No
[wanted to hook up w/ a friend]: Yes
[Cried during a flick]: Yes, i'm very emotional

W i T H T H E O P P O S i T E S E X
[what do u notice first?]: Face
[turn on-looks]: Face and body
[turn on-personality]: Funny and outgoing
[turn off-looks]: wierd looking
[turn off-personality]: Act too cool and mean
[colouring]: Doesn't matter
[hair length]: short
[best height]: Taller then me
[best weight]: Average
[best article of clothing]: Boxers

[last called]: Rhonda
[last emailed]: Jody
[last mailed letter]: Who mails things anymore
[went to the mall w/ u]: Brad
[makes you laugh the most?]: Brad
[makes you smile]: Friends, family, and Brad
[easier to talk to: boys or girls ?]: boys
[have you known the longest]: Amy
[do you cry with]: Kiley

W O R D A S S O C i A T i O N
[red]: Roses
[cow]: moo
[grass]: green
[blue]: sky
[mirror]: clear
[cracker]: jack
[zine]: drink
[jelly]: strawberry

T H i S O R T H A T
[day/night]: Day
[summer/winter]: Summer
[lace/satin]: Satin
[tape/cd]: CD
[lust/love]: Love
[on phone/in person]: In person
[gold/silver]: Gold
[scary/happy movies]: Both

F A V O R i T E
[color]: Pink
[holiday]: Christmas
[shampoo]: Panteen ProV
[furniture]: Couch
[number]: 7
[emotion]: Happy
[food]: Ice Cream
[drink]: Diet pop
[fast food]: Subway
[school subject]: Nutrition
[animal]: Zebra
[sport to play]: Soccer
[sport to watch]: Soccer
[flower]: Pink Rose
[cartoon character]: Rugrats
[language]: English
[weekend activity]: Hanging with friends
[rollercoaster]: Millinium Force at Cedar Point
[font]: Kid writing
[store]: Express

H A V E Y O U / / D O Y O U / / A R E Y O U
[obsessive]: Over somethings
[take a shower everyday]: No, but try to
[want to go to college]: I am here
[like high school]: Some parts
[want to get married]: Yes
[believe in yourself]: Sometimes
[get motion sickness]: No
[have high self esteem]: Not all the time
[get along w/ your parents]: Yes
[like thunder storms]: Yes
[sit on the computer waiting for someone special to get on?]: Somtimes
[cried because of someone saying something mean to you]: Yes
[been rejected]: No
[rejected someone]: No
[used someone]: No
[done something u regret]: Oh yea
[colour ur hair]: Yes, highlights
[ever get off the computer]: Yea

[could u live without the computer?]: No
[like watching sunrises or sunsets]: Sunsets
[physical pain or emotional pain?]: emotional
[is cheerleading a sport?]: only competative cheer is
[the last time you slept with a stuffed animal]: last night
[how many homes have you lived in]: 3
[schools gone to]: Preschool, Early Childhood Center, New Gronigan Elementary, Zeeland Middle School and High School, CMU
[bedroom carpet]: Pink at home, and cream here
[would you shave ur head for $5000]: Yes
[age for marriage]: 25
[last film seen in theatre]: Hide and Seek
[what do you eat for breakfast?]: Whatever sounds good, but Kiley makes some good omelettes!
[bedtime]: Whenever
[best feature]: Long legs makes me tall

F i N A L Q U E S T i O N S
[i love]: family
[i miss]: my dog
[i wonder]: about life
[how do you know it's love?]: I guess you just feel it???
[i need to]: study more
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