Oct 22, 2012 20:46
I had my 6th sleep study and 2nd MSLT a few weeks ago. I just go the results back.
The sleep study revealed no problems. Few abnormal arousals, no apnea and nearly no hypopneas. It did show some limb movement, but not an excessive amount. However, it's the first time I've shown any of those (and there were 45 this time). The only strangeness was I was in REM longer, and deep less than normal. But apparently not grossly so.
I fell asleep all 5 times during the MSLT again. That apparently puts be at moderate hypersomnia.
The doctor put me on a higher dose of Nuvigil, since the 150mg wasn't helping as much as it used to. But now I have nausea and a sore throat all day and sporadic dizziness and crankiness/depression. I also have trouble falling asleep. Not happy about this. The higher dose is substantially different than the lower dose, since I didn't have any real side effects except elevated mood and I talked a lot. I still talk a lot, but I don't feel as awake and I've gone the opposite route on the mood scale.
I'm going to cut back to half a dose and see if I can get the side effects to go away for a few days.