Professional Risk Resolution

Jan 23, 2012 20:02

Professional risks are tough to quantify. Generally the rewards are financial, social, or less stress. The problem with that is that financial rewards are hard to gauge. Does an extra $100 a month really make a difference? Sometimes yes, but most of the time no. It's not necessarily how much you earn in dollars and cents, but what you do with it. When you do get that extra $100, you'll probably spend it on food or a small luxury. It's probably not going to change your life.

Social rewards are also kind of hard to pin down. There's definitely a sense of status that goes with certain jobs. But it's probably not really going to make you any friends. If you're a dick, you're a dick, and a high paying or glamorous job isn't going to change that. But that status could potentially open doors for you. So how do you quantify it?

And jobs rarely remove stress, but they can be less stressful. A stressful job can wreak havoc, and a non-stressful job just gives you one less thing to worry about. It's probably not very therapeutic though.

So what does a job really do for you? Other than feed you and keep a roof over your head? And if you take a risk at work, what does that really mean? Sure, it may change your life. But most of the time, you get a pat on the back or maybe a little less stress. Does it make sense to even include professional risks? It makes sense, considering that you spend at least half your waking time there. But what does it all mean?

Well, I guess what it means is that work causes stress bleed. And that stress bleed is an ongoing thing. Which, if you remember, means you can't really recover from stress while it's ongoing. This makes vacation very important.

So, the main goal here is to get a job with a low stress bleed. You can fall into a low stress job, seek a different job with lower stress, or work yourself into a lower stress job. All that means taking risks.

Professional Risk Success Table

RollResult01What you did is technically illegal. Roll on the Criminal Risk Success table.01-05Your job causes you to bleed 1d10 Stress per month. 06Roll three more times. 07-10Your job causes you to bleed 3d10 Stress per month. 11Your risk effects the entire company. Roll once more on this table and apply it to the majority of other employees. 12-13You get a promotion. Add 1d10 to your current Stress bleed.14-17Roll two more times.18-32You fail, through no fault of your own. 33You get a substantial raise. Increase your social class by 1 category.34-38Your job causes you to bleed 1d10 Stress per year. 39-44Reroll your social class. 45You get written up and a warning goes in your file. Take 2d10 Stress.46-70You succeed.71-75Your success impacts you socially. Roll on the Social Risk Success table.76-80Your job causes your to bleed 2d10 Stress per month.81-85Your job causes you to bleed 2d10 Stress per year.86-90You succeed, but no one notices.91-95Your job causes you to bleed 3d10 Stress per year.96-98Your risk puts you in a dead end. All other risks taken at this job go without notice or appreciable effect. 99-00Your job causes you to bleed 1d10 Stress per week. 
Professional Risk Failure Table

Roll Result01Your job causes you to bleed 1d10 Stress per year. 02-06Your job causes you to bleed 5d10 Stress per month.07-11Your job causes you to bleed 4d10 Stress per month.12-14Roll three more times. 15-20Your risk effects the entire company. Roll once more on this table and apply it to the majority of other employees. 21-35You fail, through no fault of your own. 36-40You have to take a pay cut. Decrease your social class by 1 category.41-45Your job causes your to bleed 2d10 Stress per month.46-48Your job causes you to bleed 3d10 Stress per year.49-51Your job causes you to bleed 1d10 Stress per week. 52-64Your failure impacts you socially. Roll on the Social Risk Failure table.65-71You get written up and a warning goes in your file. Take 2d10 Stress.72-77Your job causes you to bleed 1d10 Stress per month. 78-79Your job causes you to bleed 2d10 Stress per year.80-84Your job causes you to bleed 4d10 Stress per year.85-89Your job causes you to bleed 5d10 Stress per year.90-93What you did is technically illegal. Roll on the Criminal Risk Failure table.84Reroll your social class. 85-89Your job causes you to bleed 3d10 Stress per month. 90-95Your risk puts you in a dead end. All other risks taken at this job go without notice or appreciable effect. 96-00Roll two more times.


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