Jun 04, 2007 11:30
Finally back home.
My Oma died on Saturday in her sleep. I'm glad that I got to see her instead of just getting a phone call. Seeing her helped make it OK. Rather than having my last memory of her being very vibrant and alive and then getting this surprise phone call I could see that it was time for her to leave. The last day that I was with her she didn't really seem to recognize me, which was strange because even the day before she still knew who I was.
One of the odd things about her passing is this sense that as more of my old relatives from Germany pass away my ties to my former home pass too. Makes me feel a little bit homesick for Germany in some strange way.
It is a little overwhelming having 2 grandparents that seemed healthy 5 months ago die withing 1 week of each other, but thankfully they both had relatively peaceful deaths.
OK I have resolved not to make any depressing posts for a while, don't want my journal to just be a big bummer. So, I'm not going to post until I can make the next post about something fun.