Tyranny of the Minority

Apr 26, 2007 09:22

I know that I often times spout on about the evils of the two parties. And sometimes I talk about how interesting the Federalist Papers are because you can get some insight into the thinking of the framers of the constitution.

I look at the political process today and reflect on the fact that this is exactly what the framers tried to protect us from, When you have some free time take a look at paper #10 by Madison think about the situation we have with the republicans and democrats and tell me that this is not exactly the tyranny of the minority that Madison warned us about and that the checks and balances they put in place were designed to prevent. I'm pretty sure Madison would be rolling over in his grave at the current lack of representation we have from both the republicans and democrats and at the changes they have put into place to ensure a 2 party system.

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