Nov 22, 2011 03:03
Okay, so as ya'll know I am a huge-mongeous Harry Potter fan, but I also reallllllllyyyyy love the Twilight series. Always have. I read the first three books before the movies were even thought of, and I attended the Barnes N Noble midnight release party for the Breaking Dawn book years ago. So yeah, I'm a huge Twilight fan and I just got back from seeing Breaking Dawn Part 1 the movie!!!
EEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!! Okay, so it was better than the freaking book! And that's extremely rare than movies are better than their book counterparts!!! It. was. amazing.
Oh yeah and that Taylor Lautner. Holy hotness he's gorgeous. lol! (I have a huge poster of T-laut on my bedroom wall)...I wanna tap hard.
So I am Team Edward in the books, but Team Jacob in the movies.
I used to be Team Edward hardcore in the books and movies...untilllllllll the New Moon movie came out and I fell under Jacob 'Sexy-Ass' Black's spell. holymolyguacamolehesfuckinghot
The best part of the entire Twilight series is when Taylor Lautner walks shirtless through the rain in New Moon. I'M. JUST. SAYIN.
Anyhoo, the Breaking Dawn part 1 movie was unbelievably good!!! Best movie of them all so far in my opinion.
I remember reading the book and it being so fluffy and presh and happy and then BAMMMMM it's a completely different story and it's like holyshitthisisnthappeningRN...(if you've read the book or seen the movie you understand where I'm coming from). But I'm not gunna ruin the story line or anything for ya'll in case you haven't seen it yet, I just wanted to say the movie was phenom.
Also, I ship Jakeward. Jacob/Edward like hardcore. Lmao. I so wanted Jacob to imprint on Edward haha! I've read a bunch of Jakeward imprinting fic and it's good times. And hot times. Like reallllyyyyyyy hot times. Haha! Also Jacob is totally a bottom. I'm just sayin', bahaha!
A lot of people don't think Taylor Lautner does his character Jacob Black justice, but I think he plays it great. At first when he was cast I was like RUfuckingsrsRN?! But then BAMMMM New Moon happened and lemme tell you what, ya'll....Shark Boy grew up! And I APPROVE! Immensely!
.....Okay I just realized this post is more of a Taylor Lautner hotness flail than a Breaking Dawn Part 1 review so I'm gunna go now. And by 'go' I mean re-watch the tent scene in Eclipse and wish Jacob and Edward would randomly jump each other's bones.
Ta-ta-for now!