Posting Instructions

Jul 31, 2013 03:14

This posting schedule is up HERE. Now lets talk about the specifics of posting.

Posting Instructions

Leading up to their assigned posting day Authors and Artists need to communicate to get ready. We would like both Authors and Artist to make a Master Post at their journals (one for fic and one for art) and provide each other with the links.

For Authors we want a place on your journal people can go to be navigated to the fic (whether you decide to host in on your journal, on archive, or somewhere else).

For Artists we want you to have a post that you can get your own feedback at.

Author's masterpost to their journal
Artist's masterpost to their journal
Post made to the community

Posting to your journal/site/archive:
You will be posting your fic to either your own journal or a site or archive of your choice. You will not be posting the fic itself to this community.

I will give you the heading information we want you to fill out for your post to the community but you are welcome to change around yours. Here are the basics:
- I want you to link to the big bang and to your artist and to their post
- Proofread your posts, if you have the time have your beta go over your summary and other information as well so it looks the best it can.
- Don't lock your fic, EVER, if the place you post is locked you are welcome to post your story straight to kradam_ai. We want everyone to be able to access the fics with out having to friend anyone or join anything. (If you end up needing to lock or remove your story for any reason PLEASE contact me)
- If you are posting your story before your posting day please LOCK it for your eyes only and only unlock it when you're ready to post to the community (same goes for artists)
- If you are breaking your story up into parts please try and make sure each part links to the next part and the one before it. It makes things a lot easier for readers.

If you have an Archive of Our Own account then PLEASE post there. The site allows people to download stories in a variety of formats for reading. If you can't a lot of people would appreciate if you can provide a PDF of your story (if you are unable to that is understandable!).

For anyone posting to AO3 please add your story to the Kradam Big Bang Collection (this goes for stories from previous rounds as well).

Posting to the community
Posting is moderated so once you post to the community, as long as you follow the guidelines and your links to work, I'll approve the post. Authors are responsible for posting their stories to the community, please arrange with your artist in advance what time you want to do this (so both master posts can be unlocked at the time of posting). If an author rather have their artist post for them they can do that as well.

When posting make sure the subject line of your post reads - Fic: Title

This is how your heading information needs to be formatted:

Type: (friendship, romance, crossover, sci fi, fantasy, high school au, au, kidfic, whatever you see your fic as)
Word Count:
Warnings (sexual context, non-con, violence, strong language, characters death, etc)

Link to fic master post:
Link to art master post:

What it looks like:
Type: (friendship, romance, crossover, sci fi, fantasy, high school au, au, kidfic, whatever you see your fic as)
Word Count:
Warnings (sexual context, non-con, violence, strong language, characters death, etc)

Link to fic master post:
Link to art master post:

You can add whatever you want to it (notes, beta credit, acknowledgments, disclaimer, etc) but please don't take away from the things listed and fill them all out to the best of your ability.

Don't change around the order or forget any links. Your post will be rejected if its not formatted like this (we will be using the posts to the community to put together the round up at the end of posting).

You can include art in the post you make to the community but please keep it at a reasonable size (under 500px in width is preferred) and limit yourself to just one piece.

If you aren’t sure how to do this (the coding, etc) please contact me through the comms email ( or private message. You can also always just leave a comment to this post.

!mod post

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