Title: Hush
Pairing: Kris/Adam
Word count: 215
Rating: R
Summary: Floating.
Disclaimer: Pure imagination. No disrespect intended.
Kris isn’t lying so much as floating in bed, every muscle having long ago surrendered its tension. Gravity doesn’t apply anymore. Without the anchoring weight of Adam's body, spooned around his, he might just drift up toward the ceiling.
Adam, fully awake, is pressing kisses to the nape of his neck. Kris recognizes the gentle question.
“I don’t think I can,” he answers, soft as the dark. “Not again.”
“You don’t have to,” Adam whispers back. “Just be.”
Kris can do that. He can take the long strokes of Adam’s cock one at a time, let each belong to its own moment. They don’t have to add up to anything.
Adam is so careful, sinking into him without disturbing his calm surface. His breaths in Kris’s ear are no more than sighs. Only the arm that encircles Kris’s chest gives him away: I can’t hold you loosely. I always want you closer.
And Kris can’t simply yield. He has to respond, with a hand reaching up to cover Adam’s, with his hips, and finally, with a helpless cry.
He’s traveled so far, but he knows this place, the safe shore where they wash up together. Adam says his name like it’s the only word he can remember, and it doesn’t have to mean anything, let alone everything, but it does.