Title: The Trouble With Kids Is...
shelbecatRating: PG-13
Pairing: Kris/Adam
Length: 7750 words
Disclaimer: Not mine, clearly.
ontd_ai Auction Fic for stellabee, who generously donated $76 for a 7000+ word fic. We discussed me writing kid fic, but what came out was ridiculous Adam (fun, but ridiculous). It took me over a month to get this down right, but I get a real kick out of writing him this way, so hopefully it works! Thanks to
drgaellon and
minglingcrab for the beta, and
jerakeen for being so patient all this time.
He doesn't hate kids...well, not exactly. He just thinks that they don't really have a purpose. They're like miniature people without manners...or facial hair. And they always have dirty faces. Is it really that difficult to look in a mirror once in a while?