Title: The Tale of the Sad Panda
Author: Jerakeen
Pairing: Kris/Adam
Rating: PG-13
Length: 1,920 words
Disclaimer: I'm lying for a good cause.
Warnings: Bamboo.
Notes: Written for
blue_icy_rose who donated $15 to DonorsChoose.Org in exchange for this drabble. She wanted a story about Adam being jealous of Kris and Anoop.
Beta by
Summary: They are on tour and will be thrown together for months to come; who knows what might happen?
Story )
Title: Ever After: Penguins
Author: Jerakeen
Pairing: Kris/Adam
Rating: PG-13
Length: 960 words
Disclaimer: Lying for a good cause.
Warnings: Part of the
Ever After series which is written as a sequel to
More Myself with You.
Notes: Written for
kairi_01 who donated $15 to DonorsChoose.Org in exchange for an
Ever After snippet. She wanted an early days, making out on the couch fic. The penguins were a bit unexpected.
Beta by
Summary: "Did you know that there are some penguins that are all white?"
Penguins )
Title: Ever After: Hero
Author: Jerakeen
Pairing: Kris/Adam
Rating: PG-13
Length: 580 words
Disclaimer: Lying for a good cause.
Warnings: Part of the
Ever After series which is written as a sequel to
More Myself with You.
Notes: Written for
lexzilla who donated $20 to DonorsChoose.Org in exchange for an
Ever After snippet. She wanted to read about Kris being protective of Adam.
Beta by
Summary: Normally Adam makes a point not to watch his own or Kris' interviews.
Hero )