Title: I Tried To Be Chill But You're So Hot That I Melted
glambertfanRating: pg-13
Pairings: Kradam
Characters: Kris, Adam, Matt, Mike, Allison, Neil, Daniel Allen, some Danny Gokey
mrsmaggiemaeWord Count: 2,180
Warnings: language, homophobia, adult situations, adult content
Summary: The aftermath of the "pizza joint incident." Katy gets angry, Kris gets smacked, Matt gets confused.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't own Kradam, or any of the characters (except for the original ones) and everything that happens in the story is, unfortunately fabricated. Resemblance to real people,while intentional, does not reflect their actual views and/or opinions (sadly).
A/N: Hey guys. I am SO friggin sorry about the wait, I spent the majority of the past month in the hospital and then trying to catch up on school working and having complete writer's block because Matt Giraud would not get out of my head and etcetcetc. I haven't even started my fic for the Big Bang. I am SO far behind :( I promise, I swear to...the Kradam gods....that I will update before the end of September. Hopefully sooner. Thanks for sticking with me, I guess. PS, this one is for
bobloblawrox who yelled at me a few days ago and got me writing again :)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6