Love under Black Light (Part 11)

Jul 21, 2009 23:56

Title: Love under Black Light (Part 11)

Author: Dovesland

Pairing: Kradam; mentions of others

Rating:  NC-17 yeah you know it BB!

Notes: strong sexual content and b/d. this is not for the faint of heart nor the prudish of minds.........

Disclaimer: This is not a true story.  I do not own either of them nor have I met them.  This is just a little piece of my sick and twisted mind.....

This was betaed by my lovely wonderful sexually deviant soul mate pyrosgf who loves my smut almost as much as my sense of humor....Love you BB you ROCK!!!!!

………Adam rolled them until he was lying on top of Kris and had just ground his hips into Kris’s a few times when he heard the click of a camera shutter.


Adam’s head snapped around at the sound.  There, about 20 feet from where they laid, under the pier was a teen boy with an old fashion camera strapped to his neck.  Another click of the camera, and Adam was off of Kris like a shot.  He ran after the boy who had turned tail and had started running down the beach.

“Oh COME ON” Adam yelled after the boy, “I just want to talk to you…..”  They ran a bit further down the beach till finally the boy stopped.  Adam finally caught up with him and after catching his breath, said,

“Dude, why did you run?”

“Are you kidding me?” The boy answered, “I just got a picture of the top two on American Idol kissing on a beach and the bigger of the two is chasing me like a mad man…..of course I ran.” The kid tried to laugh it off, but being this close to Adam had him a little in awe of him and more than a little scared out of his wits.  Adam, seeing the fear in the boy’s eyes, knew that this situation had to be handled very carefully.  He took a breath and put on his best “trust me” smiled before replying.

“Well now…. you know that I need that film from you, what say we make a trade?  I can get you front row tickets to any of our tour shows for life, with backstage passes included if you would ummm let me have that camera.  What do you say?  ” Adam flashed his best purty please smile at the teenager, and hoped that his charm would win the kid over.

The kid looked at Adam, looked back at his camera then up at Adam again saying:

“Hey man, do you know how much I can get for these pictures? The Enquirer is offering $100,000 for Kradam evidence.  That is a LOT of MONEY.”

Adam took another deep breath and realized that this was going to be tricky and that his charm alone would not be enough to get that camera away from the kid that easily.  He kinda understood what the kid was saying, hell a year ago, he would probably have been thinking the same way, but there was no way that he was going to let some kid destroy his or Kris’s life for cash.  Therefore, changing into his best HBIC attitude, he decided to fight fire with fire.

“LOOK, you may think that getting a fat check from some tabloid is the best thing that could have happened to you right now, but do you really want to ruin our lives for 15 minutes of fame?  I don’t know you, Hell I don’t even know your name kid, what is it?” Adam hoped that he could keep his temper from running this kid off too quickly.

“Barry….Barry Scott…” he answered timidly.  Adam saw that the change from sweet to forceful was starting to work, but he knew that he had to be careful.

“Barry, nice to meet you,” and Adam offered his hand to Barry.  Barry looked at Adam’s hand, tucked camera a little closer to his side and shook hands with Adam.

“There,” Adam replied “now that we are better acquainted, we can talk this out like rational adults.  Are you a fan of the show?”  Adam hoped that this would work cause Kris’s handler Susan was going to kill both him and Kris if this all ended up splashed across ONTD_AI.

“Fuck yeah man, I have been a Kradam fan since the get go, even wrote me a little fan fiction on that LiveJournal site.  Course I aint never been with no guy or nothin, just a bit curious so to speak.  You two make it hard for your fans to not write about it.”  Then Barry laughed and Adam could finally see that he had a chance to make this right.

“Really?  You been writing fan fiction about Kris and me?  Wow, I had heard that people were doing that, but I hadn’t been reading it, being trapped in the Idol bubble and all back at the mansion.  Say, you want to meet Kris?  He’s back there…course you already know that don’t ya, got the pics to prove it and all that……”  Adam hoped that he could entice this kid to give up the camera since he was this big of a fan and all.  The night that had started out so fucking well could either make them or break them at this point, and he hoped he was heading in the right direction with this.

“Yeah, I do have the pictures… …did you mean what you said about lifetime tickets to your shows?  And backstage passes?”  And there it was, and Adam knew that he had him by the hopeful look in Barry’s eyes just now.  Adam smiled back at him and nodded.

“Yep, anytime you want to see us in concert you just call this number……”Adam quickly jotted down Susan’s cell phone number on a scrap of paper he had in his pocket.  “and Kris’s handler will hook you up.  So what do you say, wanna trade this for that?” Adam wiggled the scrap of paper at Barry and then motioned towards the camera.  Barry seemed to be weighing his options out, looking at the camera then back up to Adam and now Kris who had just caught up with them.  Adam put out a hand to caution Kris before he said anything to make the deal go sour.  Kris, who always was able to understand Adam’s thinking halted and just smiled his famous little crooked grin back at Barry.

After a few more tense moments the kid asked two more questions.

“If I do this, I want to know something, first of all, is this Susan going to pay for my camera?”

Adam grinned at Barry’s materialist response, and nodded, “Of course, I will tell her to be sure that you get not only what the camera is worth but a bit more for your trouble.”  Then Kris spoke up and asked,

“And your second question?”  Kris was grinning as well, at how Adam had seemed to be handling this situation.  He had about pissed his pants when he heard that click of the shutter and Adam had taken off after this kid down the beach.  Things were still way too new and way too tenuous for something like this to fuck it all up.  ‘Besides,’ Kris thought ‘I still want to get laid tonight…’  and he had to really concentrate to stop himself from giggling at his thoughts.

“Is it true then?  Are you really a couple?”

Adam looked back at Kris, and it only took a millisecond before they both responded,


Barry looked at the two of them, now holding hands and smiling from ear to ear, and handed Adam the camera, along with an additional roll of film.  Adam started laughing and realized that they had just done something very brave and stupid all at the same time.  This could have gone oh so wrong, but at least for now, they had managed to pull themselves out of the fire.

Adam looked over at Barry who was blushing from head to toe now, and understood that the way that they had answered the boy honestly was what had won him over.  Kris, coming to the same understanding just as Adam did, reached out his other hand to Barry and said,

“Hi there, I am Kris Allen, thank you so much for understanding.”  Barry just grinned and shook his head as he shook Kris’s hand.

“Man, I saw you guys walk down to that blanket and I just had to grab my camera.  There was no way that Doves and Pyro would believe me if I didn’t have proof, I just didn’t think about what it would do to you guys, I just wanted to prove that Kradam was real.”

The boys laughed at his answer and Adam handed Susan’s number to Barry.

“Hey Barry, I meant what I said about the tickets and stuff, thanks for being so great about this, and I will make sure that you ALWAYS get taken care of at our shows…, who are these Doves and Pyro people, and just what kind of fan fic have you all been writing?”


Adam and Kris chatted with Barry for a little bit more, learning more than they really wanted to know about the people on LiveJournal, and both of them thinking that perhaps when things settled down, a bit of reading was in their future.  Adam liked fan fiction, and had read more than his share about Bowie and John Barrowman, but he had stayed away from Kradam sites since he was on Idol because a.  He really didn’t have time to surf for NC-17 fan fic porn about himself, and b.  Real life was getting far too interesting to be reading about someone else’s fantasies about him and Kris.

They kept chatting with Barry but before long Barry got the hint when Kris started to pack up their wine and blanket and after a few hugs and an autograph or two, the boy had run off down the beach to email his friends.  As soon as he was out of site, Adam and Kris ran up to the waiting cab and headed back to the mansion:  both men in fits of giggles and knowing that they had just narrowly escaped disaster.


On the way back to the mansion, Adam had called Susan.  He had had to hold the phone away from his ear when Susan started screaming at him.  Kris suddenly took the phone from him and after a few minutes of begging and apologizing, in that way that only Kris could do, Susan had agreed to take care of Barry for them, but only after Kris had promised her that they would go straight home where there were no teenage boys with cameras.  At least she hoped that they didn’t have any teenage boys with them.  This gig was getting harder by the minute.

The cabbie dropped the still giggling pair off at the mansion, and after opening another bottle of wine, they headed straight for Kris’s bedroom.

“OK, we seem to have gotten away with dinner at the beach, and made it home by curfew, what next, you want to read fan fic till dawn?  Or is there something else you want to occupy our time with?”  Adam teased.  He wanted to finish what they had started before Barry had interrupted them, and this time Adam wanted more than just awesome sex:  Adam wanted to truly make love to Kris.  He wanted to take the emotional sense of belonging that had finally awakened within both of them and claim Kris’s body as his own.  But that required Kris to be naked…..NOW!

Adam stepped over to Kris and held out a glass of wine to him.  Kris took the glass and drank deeply of its dark liquid.  Swirling the spirits inside his mouth slowly, savoring every sensation dawning inside.  Then, Adam reached out, drew Kris to him and captured Kris’s mouth with his own.  The mixture of the wine and the taste of Kris made his head swim with sensations, his tongue tripping over Kris’s teeth, exploring every minute indentation within.

Kris’s body reacted with a heady quickening of desire and need.  He wanted to feel skin on skin and hurriedly removed his clothes as Adam did the same. When they faced each other again, it was as they were born, naked, with desire tattooed in reddening skin and flushed faces.  Adam pulled Kris to him, one hand on the back of Kris’s neck the other on his hip pressing their bodies together and swaying to an internal song in his mind.  The two stood that way for several moments, hands exploring, lips and teeth nibbling at whatever skin they came across, their cocks rubbing against each other, searching out friction and connection.  Finally, Adam took charge and swept Kris up into his arms.

“My aren’t we being the dashing Prince Charming?”  Kris giggled as Adam headed towards the bed, laying Kris down gently and crawling in beside him.

“Well, what can I say; my inner hopeless romantic can only be contained so long around you.”  Adam replied smiling, and then suddenly his face became serious.  “….Kris…..I……I realized something tonight.”

“What baby, what did you realize?”  Kris replied softly, as he placed his hands gently on either side of Adam’s face.  When he looked into Adam’s blue eyes he saw a mixture of fear and deep emotion that made him quiver in anticipation and concern.

“When we both answered Barry’s second question so fast, so assuredly, I just knew…..”Adam stopped talking and kissed Kris deeply and passionately:  drawing back only to look into Kris’s eyes again.  Adam’s heart was screaming at him to tell Kris how he felt.  To scream it from the rooftops, but he was so afraid, so scared that it was too soon for Kris with the competition and the divorce.  He wanted to say it out loud, but instead he let their bodies finish his thought.

He pulled Kris closer to him, winding their limbs into a mass of movement.  Each inch of skin touching the other’s, their cocks both being ground between them, finding a rhythm and their hips rocking up to meet in the scant air between them.  Adam refused to let his mouth move from Kris’s.  Each movement of their lips melding them into one fluid piece of skin tongues no longer recognizing an end of one and the beginning of the other.

Adam reached a hand down between Kris’s legs, gently finding his opening and slipping a sweat-coated finger inside.  He slowly opened Kris and as soon as the moaning beneath his lips changed to pleading groans, added another finger then a third.  The motions were slow but searching and when Kris inhaled against him, Adam knew that he had found that perfect spot.  There he stayed rubbing back and forth, across Kris’s prostate feeling the jerking of Kris’s cock against his own with each movement of his fingers.  Finally Kris pulled his mouth free and screamed,

“ADAM……INSIDE ME………NOW……MAKE LOVE TO ME PLEASE!”  And with a quick shuffle of limbs, Adam did.

He entered Kris fast and to the hilt, and then stayed there a moment allowing Kris to get used to being so filled, so quickly.  When Kris’s breath returned to normal, Adam started rolling his hips around and around before, slowly pulling back and thrust up into Kris again.  They soon found a rhythm similar to the one of their cocks grinding together before and their lips once again locked onto one another.  Their kisses matching the intensity of their thrusting hips become deeper and more intense with each stroke.

Adam’s body no longer felt like his own.  Instead he felt as if his love for Kris and the desire burning through the two of them had taken over and was driving each thrust, each moan and each connection of flesh.  He felt as if he never wanted to stop doing exactly this, he could not get enough of the feel of Kris’s skin against his.  The soft touch of velvet was surrounding his cock inside of Kris, turning them into one piece of flesh, working and striving towards an expression of emotion and erotic frenzy.

Kris felt his orgasm begin to take over at the same time Adam’s hips began to lose all sense of rhythm and changed into wild forceful bucking.  The burn spread slowly and felt as if it was radiating from inside them both.  Kris began seeing stars behind his eyes as he felt his release tumbling between them in hot waves of liquid fire.  His clenching ass muscles sucking the same burning liquid inside of him as Adam came at the same time as he did.  Together they fell back onto the bed, both of them passing out in each other’s arms, with Adam’s previous sentence ending with a definite exclamation point.


When Adam awoke the next morning, it was to the sound of Kris gently snoring in his ear.  They were still wrapped up in each other’s arms, Adam still buried inside of Kris, and loving the feeling of waking up still one with him.  He looked over at the clock on Kris’s nightstand, and knew that they had only a few hours before the Idol machine would capture them and engulf them into its maddening chaos of Finale week.  Adam didn’t want to move, didn’t want to break the spell cast between them last night, but he knew they had to go along with what 19E had planned for them this week.

He looked once more at Kris’s sleeping face, and began nuzzling his neck with soft kisses leading up to his lips, kissing Kris awake as the phone began to ring from the nightstand.

“That’s Susan.”  Kris muttered between kisses.  He recognized the ringtone he had set for his handler, and hoped that it was nothing more than a wakeup call.

To be continued……..

author: dovesland, rating: nc-17

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