Title: Kradam Prompts part 2
greenskribbles Pairing: Kradam
Rating: PG
Summary: 15 more prompts I found and Kradam-fied and mixture of fluff, angst and (hopefully) humour
Disclaimer: I do not own Kris and Adam, 19 entertainment does. (and they better be taking good care of them or we'll find a way to make them disapear, right?)
Some more prompts I found and Kradam-fied. part 1 can be found
http://greenskribbles.livejournal.com/892.html at my journal
http://community.livejournal.com/kradam_ai/239356.html at KradamAI
or here:
http://community.livejournal.com/glambert_fic/53119.html#cutid1 at Glambert fic
so... on to the Kradam bits!!!!!
16. Sacrifice
Kris had once read somewhere that all relationships were about sacrifices, about giving something up for the sake of one’s beloved. Kris had given up his marriage with his wife, his life in Arkansas, and the respect that some people had for him but it had never seemed like a sacrifice. After all, how could you feel anything but complete while curled up next to Adam Lambert.
17. Star
Most people wished on stars, but Adam has been wishing for one. As he and Kris lied on the roof looking up into the night sky Adam realized he had one next to him and it shined brighter and purer than any other star he could have hoped for.
18. Torn
Kris loved Katy. He loved the way her hair would shine when the light hit it just right, he loved the way her eyelashes cast shadows on her cheeks, and he loved waking up to her brilliant smile and calm eyes each morning and thinking nothing could be better than this. Kris loved Adam, He loved the way his laugh was infectious, he loved the way Adam could stand up for who he is, he loved waking up to Adam’s tousled hair and weary grin each morning and knowing nothing could be better than this. For once, Kris was not torn.
19. Coffee
Coffee used to be the only thing that could wake Adam up and get him alert enough for the press, rehearsals, business meetings, and the million other things on Adam’s schedule each day. Now a kiss from Kris will do just fine.
20. Trapped
When entering this competition Adam felt trapped. Trapped inside a closet he hadn’t seen the inside of since high school. He would peek out and take a step, only to be shoved back in by the Idol judges and producers. But, then Kris stepped in with him and suddenly it wasn’t as dark… it wasn’t as lonely. Adam didn’t feel trapped anymore, he was free.
21. Glitter
“Just a little, bit.”
“No, Adam…”
“Come on! Green would look fabulous on you…”
“Adam, I gave into the nail polish, no glitter please.”
“Fine, just a little.”
22. FACT:
FACT: Divorcing Katy was probably the most painful thing Kris had ever gone through in this life.
FACT: He felt guilty for months afterward and quickly became one of the most hated celebrities in America.
FACT: Getting to love Adam Lambert made it all worth it.
23. Horoscopes
“You know, once I met Brad, I got really into astrology and horoscopes.”
“Yep! Brad and I were perfectly compatible… Our love was written in the stars.”
“Is that some kind of cheesy pick-up line he used on you?”
“Are you jealous?”
“Nope,” he leaned over giving him one of the most mind-blowing kisses Adam had ever received in his life, “How could the stars predict something as awesome as you and me?”
24. Diet
“Why aren’t you eating?”
“My stylist says I need to go on a diet. I‘m having trouble fitting into my leather and skinny jeans.”
“So lay off the ice-cream, you still need to eat!”
“Nope, I’m going to see if I can survive just on sex!”
“I’m hungry…”
25. Stay
“Get Out!” Please stay…
“I don’t want you here!” I need you here…
“I’m not gay!” I’m just in love with you…
“Stay the hell away from me!” Please come back…
26. Leave
Adam never says goodbye, because that implies leaving, and he has been left enough times to know that it doesn’t make anyone happy.
27. Want
Kris wants a quiet life in Arkansas. Kris wants a beautiful wife, a picket fence and 2 ½ kids, but he needs Adam, and need is more important than want.
28. Trust
“Do you love me?” Do you trust me.
“Yes...” Here’s my heart. Don’t break it.
29. Promise
Adam learned a long time ago people don’t always keep there promises. So when Kris told him he would tell Katy about their relationship, he wasn’t surprised to see him laughing with her and her parents that very night. When Kris told him he would tell the world about him, he wasn’t surprised when he was still treated like a dirty little secret. When Kris promised that Adam would always come first, he wasn’t surprised when he was forgotten and left behind. Not a lot surprises Adam any more, but it still hurts.
30. Worry
Kris sometimes worries what the world will think of him if they discover his relationship. Kris sometimes worries that he’s not enough. Kris sometimes worries that he’ll be overshadowed by Adam’s confidence and talent. Kris sometimes worries that Adam will realize that there is nothing worth while about Kris at all and move on. Then Kris looks into Adam’s eyes and sees that sheer, utter devotion that he has for Kris, and Kris knows everything will turn out alright.
Comments= Love and I can really use some love right now. Tell me your favorites and which ones you think should be expanded to full length oneshots.