Title: the boys of summer (part 2)
Author: Spikedluv
Fandom: American Idol RPS
Rating: PG13/Slash (though eventually higher)
Pairing: Kris/Adam
Length: 8,325 words
Spoilers: Every piece of information about the boys, down to the obscurest bit of trivia, is fair game.
Summary: Adam had not expected that their road trip would take him back to Arkansas.
Author’s Notes: Part two of my Kradam Allen Lake AU. This part starts out 10 years later. This story is not-exactly-a-HS!AU, but Kris and Adam are younger in (the flashback parts of) this story. I’ve also altered the number of years between them, so Adam is 18 (28) and Kris is 16 (26). Title taken from Don Henley’s ‘The Boy’s Of Summer’.
Allen Lake AU: Allen Lake is an open Kradam AU which is explained more at
allenlakeau on DW. It is an open AU that anyone and everyone is welcome to play in.
Feedback: Would be greatly appreciated.
Disclaimer: This is not real. And sadly, neither Adam nor Kris belong to me.
Written: July 5, 2016
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