A/N: So... I felt like writing something and decided to put my playlist on shuffle and this is what happened! Three drabbles, all based on one song each. Please, read and enjoy!
You can find all my other fics in my
Masterlist Author:
glamaiira Pairing: Kradam
Rating: G
Wordcount: ~100
Warning: The first two are angst! Not the third one tho.
Disclaimer: totes fiction! I don't own the boys, just the story. None of this happened in real life (that I know of)!
Title: Where Would We Be Now
Song by: Good Charlotte
Kris had always wanted a church wedding. Something small and charming. Nothing too over-the-top or extreme, but yet fitting for them both.
A tear made its way down Adam’s cheek. The smile painting Kris’ face was radiant and those brown pools glistened. He had never looked happier.
“I do.”
It was such a beautiful moment. Like a scene taken straight out of a Disney movie.
The priest smiled and gave a discrete nod.
“You may now kiss the bride.”
Kris and Katy shared a kiss full of promises and love. Meanwhile Adam’s heart finally broke apart completely.
I love you…
Title: Why
Song by: Secondhand Serenade
The silence echoed through the empty room. Not even Kris’ own heart seemed to want to break the silence. Tears rhythmically fell into his lap. One at a time. Soaking through the fabric of his sweatpants.
Upstairs his wife was fast asleep, blissfully unaware of her husband’s dilemma.
It was wrong. To both of them. Still, Kris could not let either of them go.
Kris stared at the phone in his hand. He knew the number by heart and he bit his lip while listening to the signals on the other side.
Kris let out a quiet breath.
Title: He Looks So Perfect
Song by: 5 Seconds of Summer
The bathroom was filled with warm post-shower air when Adam opened the door to check if Kris was still in there. The view that met him put a big grin on his face.
Kris was styling his hair while humming on what sounded very similar Adam’s latest single. Only dressed in a pair of underwear. Adam’s underwear.
Adam raised one eyebrow as he leaned back against the door frame, folding his arms over his chest and looking Kris up and down. When seeing his boyfriend in the mirror Kris smirked and winked.
“Seeing something you like?”
“No. Something I love.”